Last Updated: 12.07.2023

What are the 2023 British Para Fencing National Championships?

This event is for classified (domestic or international, category A or B) para athletes who are eligible to compete for GBR and will take place in Swansea over the weekend of 15th July as part of the 2023 Para Sport Festival.

Further information on this event can be found here

Event Information

Dates: 15-16th July 2023

Venue: Swansea Tennis Centre, Brunel Way, Swansea, SA1 7DS



Event Format:

It is anticipated, based on predicted entry numbers, that the following format will be used for all weapons:

  • 1 Round of Poules
  • Followed by DE (No Cut) with Repechage for 3rd place and fencing off for places.

This format may be adapted depending on entry numbers, the format used will be published after entries have closed.

Membership Level Required: Compete

Check your BF membership and log into the platform here 

Entry Fee:  £25 per weapon – Discount for 3 Weapon Entry (£25 discount) – Enter 3WEAPONENTRY at the checkout

Entry Opening Date: Tuesday 30th May 2023 – 09:00

Entry Closing Date: Friday 7th July 2023 – 17:00

Spectator Tickets 

If you would like to attend this event, you will require a FREE spectator ticket to enter the venue – links for tickets can be found below:

Saturday Free Spectator Tickets – Para Sport Festival: Para Fencing British Championships (Saturday) Tickets, Sat 15 Jul 2023 at 09:00 | Eventbrite

Sunday Free Spectator Tickets – Para Sport Festival: Para Fencing British Championships (Sunday) Tickets, Sun 16 Jul 2023 at 09:00 | Eventbrite

Entry Fee Support Scheme:

The BF Entry Fee Support Scheme will be in place for this event.

BF is mindful of the rising costs of attending fencing events and the potential barrier to participation this creates for some members of our community.

As a result, BF is offering a limited number of free entries to qualified fencers to attend this. These will be offered based on financial need, not on ability. This scheme will cover 100% of the entry fee cost.


Applications must be completed per athlete. For multiple athletes from one household, please complete separate application forms.

Applications close Monday 3rd July 2023 – 5pm

All applicants will be told the outcome of their application by close of play on Wednesday 5th July 2023

Volunteer at this event!  If you are interested in signing up to volunteer at this event, please complete the sign up form here

For this event, piste side helpers are vital to the running of the event, to find out more about this role, and other events at BF events, take a look at the roles available at BF events here

Media: Please note there will be filming and photography including live streaming at this event for BF purposes. If you do not give photography/filming permission for yourself or your athlete, please contact eventsadmin@britishfencing.com before the event

Disabilities: BF recognises that many disabilities are hidden and participants in competitions may need additional support throughout the event. Any disability information that you provide in your membership profile (provided that you have given permission to share) will be passed to the organising team and a member of the event welfare team will get in touch to discuss how we can help. Alternatively you can contact us in advance either by emailing the events team directly eventsadmin@britishfencing.com, or the BF safeguarding lead (safeguarding@britishfencing.com). Finally, you can ask speak to a member of the onsite team at check-in. Please note the earlier you raise any additional support needs the better able we are to make reasonable accommodations.



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Calling All Teachers

Start your journey to becoming a community fencing coach. Introduce fencing to pupils for as little as £25. Find out more today.

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