BF opens consultation on the Nomination Policy for athletes seeking nomination for the 2024 Olympic Games. Responses by 21st May 2023.
Nomination Policy and Consultation Links
The draft Nomination Policy can be found here.
Material changes from the 2020 Nomination Policy are marked in yellow.
Consultation responses should be submitted via the form here by 21st May 2023.
Before responding please make sure you have read and understood the published FIE document as agreed by the International Olympic Committee.
The final Nomination Policy will be subject to agreement with the British Olympic Association and approval by the BF Board.
Summary policy points
(please refer to full text here for details)
Individuals – BF will nominate any individual eligible athlete that qualifies in accordance with the published FIE document as agreed by the International Olympic Committee.
Teams – In the event that a team qualifies the team places will be nominated as follows:
Discretionary factors
a) Performance in the Senior GBR Team during the Olympic qualification period 3rd April 2023 – 1st April 2024 at the World Championships, European Games, World Cups and Grand Prix events only. Performances in team matches against the teams that have qualified in that weapon for the 2024 Olympics will be prioritised.
b) Medal winning performances in the individual events of the 2024 Junior World Championships and 2024 Junior European Championships, with a demonstrable performance trajectory and commitment to future Olympic success. (The expectation is that these competitions will be held prior to 30th April 2024).
c) Contribution to a positive team dynamic
d) Any matters relating to injury or illness
Adjusted Ranking List
The ‘Adjusted Ranking List’ is based on an athlete’s points (not world ranking) from the official FIE World ranking points ranking points gained between 1st April 23 to 1st April 24 excluding FIE Satellite points.
Consultation responses should be submitted via the form here by 20th April 2023.
Disclaimer – This news post is not the Nomination Policy Document and is not intended as a replacement for that document. Athletes who wish to represent Great Britain, along with their coaches and parents are expected to read the final approved policies rather than rely on summaries and news post contents. No appeals will be permitted on the basis of the contents/interpretation of this news post.
Please note that publication of this document for consultation has been delayed as a result of the recent uncertainty over participation in FIE events and changes to the calendar.
If you have any questions relating to this post, please submit them to us via the form here and a member of the ADP team will come back to you.