13/09/2024- GB League


Changes are being made to enhance the GB League experience for all clubs and fencers.

BF is enhancing the GB League experience for all clubs and fencers. To accommodate the change, the GB League will be paused during the 2024 Autumn season. This season runs from October to December.

The GB League annual season runs from October to June and is broken down into mini seasons:

Autumn – October to December (paused in 2024)

Winter – January to March

Spring – April to June

BF has made the decision to pause the GB League’s Autumn 24-2025 season, to make some much needed changes to the system.

As some of you might know the GB League has been running since 2019, and over the last year we have faced issues which have not matched the expectations that we have for the League. Therefore we have made the decision to move away from the current platform and start again fresh with a new platform.

We understand some of you will have been looking forward to holding fixtures again in the new season, and we are sorry if this has affected any of your plans. However, the new system will be up and running for January 2025, clubs already involved with the GB League will be contacted soon to participate in a trial of the new platform and asked to give feedback.

For clubs that have not yet joined the GB League, the January – March winter season is the perfect time to sign up and add your fencers to the annual and seasonal leader boards. Further information on how to sign up as a club and an individual will be shared over the coming months.

To make sure you are ready for the Winter Season read more information about the format here: GB League format


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