25/10/2024- Referee


Congratulations to Adrian Speakman, Luke Deamer, Euan Deamer, Chiara McDermott, Daniel Hazelwood and Sam McLellan on their selection to the 2024-25 EFC Referee Master List, the highest number of GBR referees to be included since the list began.

The European Fencing Confederation (EFC) Master List comprises of 117 FIE referees from over 26 countries. It is used by the EFC to select referees for major European championships.

A record six GBR referees have been selected onto the 2024-25 list.

Four GBR referees, Luke Deamer, Euan Deamer, Chiara McDermott and Sam McLellan, have been selected to the list for the first time.

They join Adrian Speakman and Daniel Hazelwood, both of whom have previously been selected for the EFC Master List. Adrian has been on the list every year since its inception in 2018. For Daniel, this is his third season on the list, having first been selected for the 2020-21 season.

Congratulations also go to associate BF Referee Pathway members Sarah Steacy (IRL), Jekaterina Solodkiha (LAT) and Ester Balint (FIN), for their inclusion on the Master List.

Euan Deamer, who has an FIE foil and EFC C epee licence, said:

“To be selected for the European Master List and recognised along with fellow refereeing colleagues and friends is a massive privilege. This selection is testament to both the continued hard work that I have put in to refereeing for the past nine years but also the opportunities that have been provided by British Fencing to develop me as a referee.

As I progress in my refereeing career, I will continue to use these opportunities to not only further my ability as a referee, but bridge the gaps between coaching, refereeing, and fencing for the overall betterment of the BF Referee Pathway and GBR Athlete Pathway Programmes.

“A huge thank you has to be given to the European Fencing Confederation for the selection as well the BF executive team for their continued support and guidance.”

Luke Deamer, who has an FIE licence in both foil and epee, added:

“I had great fun at the various European Championships in 2023-24, so I’m delighted to see this reflected in a place on the EFC Master List. It’s also great to see so many UK-based colleagues on the list for the first time! Thank you to all those that have supported and mentored me, both from Britain and abroad.”

Chiara McDermott, who was also selected for the 2023-24 European Championships and holds an FIE licence in foil and epee, added:

“I am so thrilled to have been selected for the EFC Master List and for the exciting events that lie ahead this season. I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks to BF for their support and commitment to fostering excellence within our community. A special thanks to my mentors and colleagues, whose guidance and encouragement have been invaluable to my development as a referee. I look forward to continuing to contribute to the sport I love and seeing it flourish.”

Sam McLellan, who holds an FIE sabre and an EFC C foil licence, said:

“I am delighted to have been added to the EFC Master List — and to do it alongside my refereeing friends from the UK and overseas makes it seem all the better.  My thanks go to the EFC Referee Commission; BF for their continued support; referee colleagues in the EFC and beyond for their camaraderie; and (as ever) to the athletes, coaches and supporters whose skill and dedication make refereeing the thrilling responsibility that it is.”

Georgina Usher, BF CEO, said:

“I’d like to congratulate all the referees on their selection. It is a testament to hard work and dedication, both of the referees and all those that have worked to support and mentor them. This selection is further evidence of the success of our referee development pathway, supported by UK Sport funding, which delivers GBR referees capable of performing at the highest international levels.”


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