23/04/2015- Latest News

Beazley British Championships 2015 – Feedback and Thank You


Thank you to everyone who entered the 2015 Beazley British Championships – you should all have received an email with a link to a feedback survey, but if not the survey can be found here. As it says within the survey, if you have any specific feedback please don’t hesitate to contact me using the details at the bottom of this page.

You can collect Lolly Reward points for being at the event too – please click here to sign-in and collect your points. You can also register to collect points at the same link, and further information on the Lolly Rewards scheme is available here.

We also have some lost property from the event – if you think you left anything behind, please contact me.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the fantastic team of officials who made the weekend possible – without each and every one of them, the event would not have been the success it was. In no particular order:


Thanks to Jon Willis in his role as Competition Coordinator, and his team:

Manola Toschi-Restivo – Referee allocator

Jon Milner – Announcer

Hilary Arnold – Computer Operator

Peter Spindley – Computer Operator


Thanks to Peter and Janet Huggins and their team of armourers:

Simon Axon

Jonathan Courtney

Tim Coveney

James Docherty

Malcolm Holford

Steve Jackson

Nicole Kelly

Rob Kirby


Thanks to the volunteer support team:

Rochelle Dazeley

Sierra Goldberg

Janet Milner


Thanks to Welfare Officer Nickie Bailey


Thanks to the referees:

 Paul Abrahams

Sophie Abrahams

Malcolm Allton

Maxine Ashby

Kola Ayenwale

Mirna Borosak

Gildas Braine

Yann Breteau

Gergo Bujdoso

Andrew Chang

Phil Elliott

Chris Farren

Roz Graham

John Haynes

Daniel Hazelwood

Malcolm Holford

Peter Huggins

Ondrej Janicek

Emily Jeanes

Ana Kovrlija

Chris Lennon

Andrew Lines

Vilem Madr

Nick Payne

Kristof Puy

Mihai Rascu

Julian Rose

Jake Rowley

Mike Salter

Glenn Sancroft

Jennifer Sancroft

Peet Sasaki

Adrian Speakman

Sarah Steacy

Helen Thouless

Georgina Usher

Alice Watson


Katie Rhodes

Event Manager

[email protected]

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