03/05/2019- Referee


British Fencing is pleased to announce that the application process for the 2019-20 International Referee allocations for the nominated EFC & JWCS has opened.

All allocations will be completed using the published  Selection Process and Factors.

During this annual allocation process applications for the Referee Pathway Programme will also be considered. This is open to all level 3 referees

A review of the current members activity (both in terms of international and BF run events) and commitment to the programme will take place, new applications will be considered and membership of the programme will be updated accordingly. Please click here for further information on how to apply.

The closing date for submitting applications this year’s international referee allocation process is 4pm Friday 14th June 2019

All successfully allocated referees will be notified and their allocations published on the BF website.


Selection Policy, Application Forms, Process and Factors.

International Referee Allocation Timeline 

International Referee EFC Circuit Information 2019/20 season 

International Junior Calendar 2019/20

International Cadet Calendar 2019/20 

International Referee Allocation FAQs v0.2


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