The BF Board announces the timetable and process for the 2022 Election of Board Directors. The election is required to fill five Elected Board Director positions which are vacant through 3 Directors’ terms expiring, and 2 casual vacancy appointments ending.
The role description for the Board Director position is published on the BF website here. It is essential for any candidate to study this document and consider whether they have the capacity and experience to fulfil the role and responsibilities.
The Board advises members that for good governance purposes, it is essential to maintain a diverse Board of Directors that is representative of the BF membership.
Following the expiration of the current terms, fencers in the 18-35 age group and females will be under-represented. Therefore the Board specifically encourages candidates from these groups to stand.
The Board must ensure that it has a broad range of skills and attributes that collectively support the delivery of British Fencing’s vision, mission, and objectives. The Board are seeking to enhance its collective experience and expertise by encouraging candidates with current qualifications and relevant practice experience in the following areas to stand: Securing Public Funding / Disability Sport Development/ Legal / Finance(Audit/Accountancy) / HR /IT Strategy
Key Dates
Qualifying Date: Friday 12th August 2022 – is the date at which a member of British Fencing must be a “Qualifying Voting Member” in order to be eligible to vote in the election
Nomination Date: Friday 12th August 2022 – is the date by which completed Nomination Forms must be received by British Fencing Head Office by 12 noon on that date.
The timetable for the election can be seen on the Timeline Chart 2022. For more information please see below.
Nomination Process & Forms
Instructions For Nomination of Directors
Board Declaration of Good Character
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