15/04/2013- Latest News


A new report from MARS Milk has revealed that despite seven out of ten of us starting the week with the intention of spending at least two hours on our favourite sport or hobby, cost and tiredness regularly put paid to these plans.

In fact, sixty per cent of women say that they are simply too weary to spend any time on hobbies or sports, whereas for two out of five men it is the financial outlay that prevents them from taking part.

This is perhaps because while sports such as football, swimming and rowing still figure, more extreme leisure pursuits have taken their place.  Six out of ten young men (aged 16-24) have already tried or want to try activities such as sky diving, scuba diving and abseiling.

However, some more traditional pastimes such as baking, knitting and gardening are growing in popularity with all ages.  As many under 35s are regularly baking as over 45s and almost as many 16-24 year olds as over 55 year olds are now regularly knitting.

But some traditional activities are dying out, with only one in five people now regularly playing board games or doing jigsaw puzzles, while others are close to extinction with less than one in 30 collecting stamps.

MARS Milk is seeking to encourage people to play more, be it trying something new or keeping alive some of the nation’s favourite sports and hobbies, with the launch of an exciting new fund.

The MARS Milk Fund, which runs from April 5 2013 until October 6 2013, has five £300 awards to donate every week to sports and hobby enthusiasts, clubs, projects, groups and simply people who want to play more.

TV presenter Zoe Salmon, who is helping to launch the MARS Milk Fund, says:  “I believe that an active body and mind is so beneficial.  Taking time out to try something new is a fantastic way to boost your energy levels, have fun and maybe discover a hidden talent!”


The fund is open to residents of, and clubs and organisations based in the UK and Republic of Ireland only. Applicants must be 13 years or over and only one application will be accepted per person, club or organisation.

Applications to the fund can be made on the MARS Milk website www.marsmilk.com from April 5 2013.



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