04/07/2023- GBR Fencer


Summary of consultation feedback and publication of updated Olympic Nomination Policy, subject to final BF Board approval and BOA agreement.

BF recently published the updated version of the Olympic Nomination Policy following the recent updates to the FIE calendar.

The changes were put out again for for consultation.

consultation post 1. here for full context and details.

consultation post 2. here for full context and details.

Feedback was received from a further 1 parent and 3 athletes. The BF Senior Athlete Panel was also consulted.

In response to the feedback, changes have been made to the policy as follows:

  1. Improved clarity – for example reiterating that the ARL ranking points refer to the FIE (not BF) ranking points and exclude Satellites.
  2. Restriction/clarification of the situation in which the nomination panel can take into account Junior medals and trajectory to 2028 medal success.

A summary of the main points/questions raised in this consultation can be found here.

The updated policy is available here – the purple highlights show the text updates put out for consultation, the green highlights the changes made as a result of the consultation.

The final Nomination Policy will be subject to agreement with the British Olympic Association and approval by the BF Board.


Disclaimer – This news post is not the Nomination Policy document and is not intended as a replacement for that document. Athletes who wish to represent Great Britain, along with their coaches and parents are expected to read the final approved policies rather than rely on summaries and news post contents. No appeals will be permitted on the basis of the contents/interpretation of this news post.


If you have any questions relating to this post, please submit them to us via the form here and a member of the ADP team will come back to you.

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