Illness or Injury Incident Management Procedures

Last Updated: 01/07/2024

This process is to be followed in the event of a illness or injury incident at a BF Activity (Camp or Competition).

All BF run championships will have a medical team in place.

Where there is a medical team in place (either a BF medical team or a venue medical team) they will take the lead on major incidents.

Where a medical team exists there will be a protocol in place to respond on site to a suspected heart attack or other life threatening.

BF will ensure that all BF camps and competitions have de-fib units on site. All staff will be informed as to the location of the De-Fib unit (and this will be noted on the risk assessment).

Where there is no medical team there will be a designated trained first aider who will assess any injuries and illness.

In all cases where there is an ongoing risk to life we will call 999 and follow instructions.

999 should always be called in the event of a life threatening emergency – to include signs of heart attack, signs of a stroke, sudden confusion, suicide attempt, severe difficultly breathing, choking, heavy bleeding, severe injuries, seizures, sudden rapid swelling of the lips mouth throat or tongue.

Any participant with suspected concussion should stop any activity and be taken to A&E in line with BF concussion guidance.

For other injuries and illness, 111 should be called to seek advice and their guidance followed.

First aiders may administer treatment in accordance with their training.

With the exception of an adrenaline auto-injector (eg epi-pen), under no circumstances should participants be administered medication unless explicit consent has been given by the participant (age 18 and over) or the guardian (under 18). Plasters can be distributed following check for any allergies.

All injuries and illnesses must be reported to the welfare officer who in consultation with the most senior member of staff present may call an Incident Management Panel.

All U18 injuries and illnesses must be reported to the parent/guardian as soon as is practically possible.


General Notes

  • All participants should have informed the activity provider of any known  medical conditions which include illnesses and injuries.
  • All overnight camps and competitions should have loco parentis forms in place.
  • All injuries should be reported to BF using the online form.



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