11/08/2014- Latest News

Our guide to making the most of the World’s Greatest Fencing Flashmob – #fencingmob

We recently announced our support of the Italian Fencing Federation initiative to promote fencing globally – The World’s Greatest Fencing Flashmob – and now we want to give all coaches, fencers, clubs, regions and fencing fans some guidance on how to get involved.

A “flashmob” is a group of likeminded people coming together with a common cause.  Whilst the main goal of the #fencingmob initiative is to promote fencing around the world, if done properly the benefits can be seen at a local level.  Here is a checklist of items for you to consider when planning your #fencingmob which will help you maximise the impact that you can have. 

  1. Choose an “iconic” location – Not all of us live near the London Eye, the Millennium Stadium, Bill & Ben or the Forth Bridge but we all live near somewhere where people congregate.  Pick a location where non-fencers can see your #fencingmob.
  2. Get permission – Once you’ve chosen your location find out who you need to speak to for permission.  It may be the local council, the shopping centre manager, your local police force.  Get the permission that you need and you might find that you’ll get more help than you expected.  You will find a template “letter of authority” below to help you get the permission that you need.
  3. Recruit your mob – Two fencers are enough but more is better.  Recruit young and old, male and female, able-bodied and wheelchair fencers.
  4. Assign a mob manager – This is crucial to coordinating the event, before, during and after.
  5. Assign a mob cameraman – This is THE most important person on the day other than the fencers.  Your cameraman is the person who is going to capture the imagery and video that will be used for the viral campaign and that is where you, your fencers, your club or your region will gain the most benefit.  (Note: There is no need for professional camera equipment!  A smartphone will do the job perfectly!)
  6. Take to social media – If possible you should post the photos/video on social media outlets (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) live.  You MUST include your location and the hashtag #fencingmob.  You also NEED to send those messages with your location and the #hashtag to [email protected] so that they are posted on the event Facebook page.
  7. Make sure you are retweeted or liked/shared on Facebook by your mob – Speaks for itself!
  8. Like/Share the Facebook event page – Do that now!  The link is https://www.facebook.com/events/673463566068314/?ref=22 and you can post a comment telling everyone where your #fencingmob is.
  9. Alert the media – Once everything is in place and no later than the end of August, contact your local newspaper’s Sports Editor.  It’s very easy!  Their contact details are always on their website but don’t just send them an email, call them as well.
  10. Have as much FUN as you can!

Speaking about the event, British Fencing’s Communications Officer, Karim Bashir, said; “This is a massive opportunity for our sport to feature heavily in the press around the World which is clearly an exciting prospect.  However, the potential benefit to each and every club involved in this initiative is huge and it’s not hard to get involved.  Follow the steps above and make sure that you get good photos and videos to share.  Tell your local newspapers and radio stations as they are always crying out for fresh new material.  Get involved now because who knows when this opportunity will come up again!” 

Italian Fencing’s Marketing and Social Media Manager, Alessandro Noto added; “I believe that this initiative has the potential to help every federation and all clubs around the world adopt a new culture when it comes to marketing and promotion of our sport.  We want more people to fence and more people to know about fencing.  It could be the start of something amazing for fencing around the world.  We have worked hard to invite every national fencing federation to get involved in this initiative and many have shown great interest.  I am very happy that British Fencing is the first to officially support the campaign especially as you have such a strong social media presence.” 

British Fencing are extremely keen to help you make the most out of this initiative so if you have any questions or need further guidance please email [email protected]

Download our “Letter of Authority” here.

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