14/05/2024- Member


Luke Deamer and Chiara McDermott have been appointed to referee for the 2024 U23 European Championships, with Pat Aiyenuro appointed as EFC Safeguarding Officer.

Luke Deamer and Chiara McDermott have been selected to referee for the upcoming U23 European Championships, being held in Antalya, Turkey, from June 1st to 4th, 2024.

In September 2023, the pair successfully passed their FIE referee exams, receiving their two-weapon FIE license in both Foil and Epee. Chiara became the first female referee to achieve a two-weapon FIE license since the Referee Pathway Programme began in 2015.

Deamer and McDermott met at Crawley Sword Club when they were just children, nearly 21 years ago.

McDermott says “I’m very excited to have been selected to referee at my first European Championship! I’m also grateful to be attending with my long-time childhood friend and refereeing mentor, Luke Deamer.”

“It’s an honour to be representing GBR on the European stage and I look forward to developing my skills alongside such talented international colleagues.”

Deamer said “Building on the experience of the European Cadet and Junior Championships in Naples, I’m excited to referee at my first under 23 European Championships!”

“It’s also great to be able to share this experience with Chiara as we’ve been clubmates since we were kids. A big thank you once again to everyone that has supported my referee development and made refereeing such a fun activity.”

Pat Aiyenuro has been appointed as EFC Safeguarding Officer, following her previous safeguarding role at the 2023 U17 European Championships.

Speaking of the appointments, CEO Georgina Usher said, “Congratulations to all for their well deserved appointments, in particular to Chiara for her first major championships refereeing appointment.  Through Pat’s appointment, British Fencing continue to play a leading role in the vital efforts of the EFC to create safe and welcoming environments for young people in our sport.”


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