International Relations Committee
Last updated: 25.10.2024
The International Relations Committee is a BF Standing Committee. All BF Standing Committee Terms of References must align with the Board approved BF Standing Committee – Basic Terms of Reference v1.3 approved 23.11.2021.
Committee Members
- Chair: The BF President – Pat Aiyenuro
- CEO – Georgina Usher
- IR Director – Hilary Philbin
- Chair of BF Board
- The UK Sport nominated advisor
Diversity Statement available here.
Summary Responsibilities
- advise Board on international relations strategy;
- under the CEO, to manage the UK Sport budget for international relations and coordinate resultant activities
- put forward to Nominations Committee recommendations for international posts, having developed and maintained succession plans
Detailed Responsibilities
- To advise the Board on international relations strategy and policy
- To brief the Board on any international relations issues arising from the FIE, the EFC and other relevant international bodies
- After consultation with the Rules committee and the International Relations Group, to make decisions on all proposals tabled for FIE and EFC congresses.
- To make nominations for FIE and EFC positions on Executive Committees, Commissions, Councils and Panels (or any FIE/EFC position which may arise from time to time) for approval by the Nominations Committee (NomCom) and the Board
- To advise the Board on successful candidates for FIE and EFC positions
- To make succession planning arrangements, and to advise the Board as/when appropriate
- To manage the IR budget in accordance with any current UK Sport requirements and our IR Strategy
- To advise the Board of any major IR issues
- To work with UKS, consulting on BF’s IR strategy, and keeping UKS informed of any major IR issues
- To brief members of the International Relations Group to ensure activities are aligned with the BF International Relations Strategy
- To attend (or nominate other appropriate BF members to attend) relevant International Relations meetings on behalf of BF.
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference – approved December 2022