As GBR athletes represent themselves, their sport and their country it is important at all times to promote a positive image consistent with socially expected behaviours. It is also recognised that there are underlying sociological and psychological factors that may contribute to athlete behaviour both positively and negatively.
As athletes progress on their development journey, poor decisions and mistakes happen. The Athlete Behaviour Framework has been created to act as a guide to inform and support athletes in making positive choices which in turn supports their development as a performance athlete.
It is noted that misconduct among professional athletes is not uncommon across sport, often publicised by the media. This negative publicity is particularly damaging to the public image of the athlete but also the reputation of the associated sport, sponsors and potential sponsors.
In addition, athletes tell us that the behaviour of their team-mates matters and can have an impact (both positive and negative) on their performance. Whether at squad training or at World Championships. Creating and implementing a framework for expected common behaviours makes it more likely that we can create positive performance environments for all athletes in the GBR squad.
Most athletes as they develop will, with the support of those around them demonstrate these behaviours and their underpinning values on and off piste. But we recognise that not all athletes will know and understand what is expected in all situations and the associated risks involved. It is important that support is provided to help the athlete navigate situations and make positive choices (and of course avoid potential misconduct). It provides a prevention rather than a deterrent approach.
Definition: Providing and receiving constructive feedback while acknowledging it might feel uncomfortable to receive and/or give.
Actions (What tells me? I..):
Definition: Value others’ perspectives and treat people as they would like to be treated.
Actions (What tells me? I..):
Definition: I do what I say I will do and I take responsibility for the outcome.
Actions (What tells me? I..):
Definition: Sharing skills and capabilities. Work as a unit and complement each other.
Actions (What tells me? I..):
Definition: A standard that uses BF values as a measuring tool for how well growth and development of coaches, athletes and staff is encouraged and exercised.
Actions (What tells me? I..):
Whilst this behaviour framework is athlete focussed, a Coaches Behaviour Framework has been in place since 2018. This is designed to support the coaches in creating the training and competition environment where athlete can demonstrate the behaviours described above. For example, running sessions with fencers where they can gain an understanding on how best to support team member and state how they like to be supported. These insights allow appropriate support to be given.
Return to the Weapons Framework Page to find out more about the Weapons Framework.
Return to the Pathway Zone to find out more about the Athlete Development Pathway.
Return to ‘The ADP Zone‘ to find out more information about the work that we do.