If you know what an IADP is and you just want to start completing one please go to IADP Resources (templates and guides to completion)
On this page:
What is an IADP?
An Individual Athlete Development Plan is a personal development plan owned by an athlete. It helps direct and inform training, competition and lifestyle management to accelerate achievement of an athlete’s goals.
IADPs are based on the BF Pathway Model, with different templates available for each stage (T1-T4) allowing athletes to self-assess against the relevant stage.
All IADPs (pathway stage T2 and above) should have the following foundation elements developing over the season:
In addition to the main elements of an IADP there are a series of additional tools that can be used by an athlete and their personal coach to support and input into the main elements. These include:
Why do I need an IADP?
Development plans are important for a number of reasons, helping:
When do I need an IADP/where do I start?
All athletes in the GBR Pathway should as a minimum have a self managed Pathway Self Assessment (previously known as an Athlete Profile) and for this over the season to build into a full IADP.
As an athlete joins the pathway, they should use the pathway model and performance/results to identify which pathway stage is likely most applicable (most athletes typically enter the Pathway at T2). Note that performance/results is just one of the 10 pathway stage components and is only an indication of where to start.
Using the Pathway Stage IADP template for the first time an athlete should:
How often should I review my IADP?
IADPs are designed to be reviewed with personal coaches (and parents if U18) and updated on a regular basis, at a minimum:
For ADP fencers, IADPs will be reviewed by BF on a regular schedule. As fencers go up the performance pathway the expectation is that these reviews become more frequent and more detailed (T4).
Updated IAPDs can be submitted to BF here.
Reviews do not necessarily require all aspects of the IADP to be reviewed. It will depend on how well the improvement plan is going and whether any adjustments need to be made.
IADPs and Selection
It is expected that all athletes wishing to represent GBR from Cadet to Senior level an have an active Self Assessment (Athlete Profile).
By the time an athlete is looking for selection for Major Events (European & World Championships) at Junior, U23 and Senior level the expectation is that the foundation elements are in place alongside a 360 Pathway Assessment.
Information in these profiles will be used in consideration of discretionary cases. An example might be that an athlete has identified an area of personal development and selection to a competition would allow the athlete the ideal opportunity to develop which in turn would accelerate performance improvements.
A good IAPD is an IADP where an athlete (and their personal coach, supported by their parent if U18) shows genuine insight into the development needs of the athlete. An IADP is not a one-off self assessment ‘test’ to demonstrate an athlete is at a stage of the pathway and therefore ‘deserves selection’. For selection, athletes should be focusing on meeting qualification standards.
IADPs and Individual Athlete Funding
Athletes looking to access public funding will be expected to have comprehensive and detailed plans in place, understanding that these will form the basis of decisions to invest in fencing and fencers, in comparison to other sports. (for more information about how the Pathway is funded please see here).
IADPs is an important way to demonstrate to funding bodies what they are investing in when they fund named/identified athletes. In the same way that a businesses are invested in on the basis of a good business plan, a good IADP should demonstrate why an athlete is worth investing in. The IADP shows what the athlete will achieve and how, based on a realistic assessment of where they currently are and what they will be doing as a result of that assessment. Individual athlete funding is not a reward – whilst an entry criteria to funding may be a specific performance, funding is given based on management and delivery of an IADP.
Submitting an IADP to BF.
IADPs can be submitted to the GBR Pathway Team here.
For GBR Pathway (ADP) fencers, IADPs will be reviewed by BF on a regular schedule and when discretionary selection is under consideration. As fencers go up the performance pathway the expectation is that these reviews become more frequent and more detailed (T4).