Fencing 4 Change is a programme delivered in partnership with the Change Foundation that uses fencing to improve physical literacy and reduce the risk of social isolation for young people aged 11 – 16 with autism.

Fencing 4 Change provides fencing sessions in after school clubs across London for young people with autism and uses creative coaching methodology to encourage integration, develop motor skills and provide a unique experience for young people who may never access fencing, or don’t engage with mainstream sports.

Using the results from the pilot phase (more information below), a fencing programme has been co-created that is active, artistic and inclusive. The programme is delivered by Coach Mentors from the Change Foundation, with lived experience who can guide and coach these young people and lead by example. Fencing 4 Change sessions provide an inclusive and accessible environment ensuring that all young people feel welcome and comfortable which is a known barrier when trying a new sport.

Virginia Bailey, Participation Director said:

“Over the years we have received so many positive stories from parents of children and young people with autism who have been fortunate to get the opportunity to engage with fencing. Over time, we want to create many more opportunities for children and young people with autism to have a great experience with fencing and maximise the positive impact it can have on their lives.  We are delighted to be working in partnership with the Change Foundation to bring this programme to life.”

In September 2023 as part of BF Learning Week, Daniel Mynott from the Change Foundation and BF’s Inclusion Officer Rick Rodgers delivered a webinar to share learnings from the project with the fencing community. Watch the webinar recording below:


Initial Findings from the Pilot Phase

During the pilot phase of the project, we worked with the University of Hertfordshire to conduct the initial research through various methods including activity questionnaires, testing physiological reaction times, motion capture and interviews with coaches across four schools in London.

The findings from the initial pilot concluded that the fencing interventions delivered by coaches from The Change Foundation resulted in improvements within core physiological aspects of children with autism and positively impacts their everyday physical literacy skills.

Click the links below to download the results and reports from that pilot study.

Download Results PowerPoint with notes pages

Download Autism Pilot Results Report

Next Steps

The partnership has now developed a 24-week framework for delivery across a further six schools in London. BF continues to offer support to the existing coaches through coach development training days, where new ideas are tested and the skills of the coaches are developed.

We hope to secure further funding to grow the programme outside of London and support more coaches across the UK.

In May 2024, the Change Foundation ran their first inter-school fencing competition at the Leon Paul Fencing Centre. The schools that took part are some of the specialist autism support schools that have been receiving fencing training activities by Change Foundation-trained coaches.

We will also be applying the learning from the project to other areas of work within BF, in light of the high levels of reported neurodiversity across the membership.

With over a quarter (28%) of respondents to the 2023 BF Equality Survey indicating that they were neurodiverse, we will be using our learnings to help create more inclusive environments in fencing and look at ways to improve our products and services to better meet the needs of our members.


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