21/03/2025- Latest News


British Fencing and England Fencing have signed a new long-term collaboration agreement that will guide the growth, development and governance of the sport of fencing in England.

British Fencing and England Fencing have signed a new long-term collaboration agreement that will guide the growth and development of the sport of fencing in England. Front and centre is their commitment to collaborate for the best outcome for fencing. The Agreement provides clarity on the structure, roles and responsibilities of each organisation, removing ambiguity and duplication, and putting in place a new framework that will ensure increased transparency as to how the sport is governed and developed so available resources are used to best effect.

The context for this work was the continued professionalisation of sport, with increased levels of transparency, diversity and inclusion, accountability and integrity now demanded by all sports organisations in receipt of public funding. The Agreement addresses the need to develop a strong, successful, and sustainable fencing community – one that inspires and enables people to start, stay and succeed – attracting new fencers and retaining existing ones.

The Agreement sets out the relationship between the two bodies, most notably:

  • British Fencing shall undertake all governing roles which are usually carried out by NGBs. This includes regulating, rule-setting, protection and safeguarding, and ensuring that standards are upheld so that the sport can be undertaken properly and safely. They have primary responsibility for sustaining talent pathways and high performance as well as influencing positive change throughout their networks and beyond, supporting clubs and members and delivering national programmes and opportunities to retain, sustain and reach new and diverse audiences. This includes ensuring all communities are welcome and represented at all levels of their sport.
  • Under the Agreement, British Fencing acknowledges that the representation rights for all England championships, qualifiers and teams, together with Commonwealth representation, reside with England Fencing.
  • British Fencing acknowledges that England Fencing has a role in supporting the development of fencing in England. England Fencing will identify projects to meet local need and create the best possible environment in which fencing can grow and develop. This will take the form of targeted resource and activity on a project-by-project basis. England Fencing retains responsibility for the governing of the English regions.

The Agreement also formalises the financial contributions each organisation will receive from membership income, ensuring a fair and equitable split in the light of the roles and responsibilities in the new Agreement. This will make it easier to explain to the membership how the allocation is linked to the activities each undertakes, reflecting the increased costs British Fencing incurs in meeting its NGB activities in England.

Caryl Oliver, President of England Fencing, noted:

“This Agreement will enable us to better service our members and provide the support needed to grow the sport, working collaboratively with BF to advance our aims. This has been a challenging process with really excellent outcomes.

“EF has no paid workforce and relies entirely on volunteers to deliver its strategies.  With this in mind, it is intended that EF will focus on harvesting the skills within the Regions to draw together teams that can energise participation and engagement.

“This new agreement will only succeed with the ongoing good will of both organisations and a determination to put the sport above all other considerations. Both British and England Fencing believe that we have an opportunity to reset the fencing landscape through this new collaboration.”

Sara Pantuliano, BF Chair, said:

“This collaboration sets the foundation for both organisations to deliver the best services to our members with the skills and resources we collectively have available. On behalf of the Board of BF I’d like to thank everyone involved in this process.”

On the Agreement, UK Sport added:

“This project forms part of a commitment to ensure sport is governed in the most efficient and effective way possible. Both British Fencing and England Fencing are to be congratulated in reaching an agreement that is a pragmatic approach to how their sport is governed in England and serves the needs of the sport and its members. We are delighted that our funding for this project has reached such a positive conclusion.”

On the Agreement, BF’s CEO Georgina Usher, said:

“I would like to firstly thank the volunteer members of England Fencing who were a key part of the project’s working group. Without their input, expertise and positive co-operation this Agreement would not have been reached. I would also like to thank UK Sport, who funded the project. Their representative, along with a colleague from Sport England, played an important role as part of the steering group that oversaw this work for the last 12 months.

“I am confident the formalisation of arrangements with EF will benefit our sport, removing duplication and identifying areas where both organisations share responsibility and where the two organisations operate autonomously.

“This framework will help ensure that the increasing legal, governance and administrative requirements sitting with National Governing Bodies are delivered as efficiently and effectively as possible through BF, whilst creating more opportunities for both organisations to further develop the sport for our members, current and future.”


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