10/08/2023- Latest News


British Fencing is delighted to welcome our members and the wider community to a summer week packed with learning opportunities.

Last updated: 10 Aug 2023

BF Learning Week 2023 will explore many aspects of our sport, with experts in coaching, sports psychology and performance joining guest speakers and the BF team to give insight into our fencing world and its future.

When is the next BF Learning Week? September, 4-8 2023

A full timetable will be published in the week commencing August 14 2023 and will be updated regularly. Please continue to check back to the timetable for sign up links and information on new sessions.

Where will it take place? Online  – a week of webinars and discussion events. 

The events will take place online as webinars or discussion events. Here is some information to help explain the different types of events:

Live webinars (series or one off):

  • Participants register to the session or series and will then receive a confirmation email with a link to the session when available.
  • During the webinar, the host and speakers discuss the topic on screen.
  • Attendees are not seen on screen.
  • A chat area of the webinar platform is available to participants for discussion.
  • Written questions may also be submitted after the webinar.
  • Live webinars may be recorded and participants will receive a link to the recording so it can be viewed again later.


Zoom Discussion events:

  • Not recorded.
  • These sessions allow participants to join in the conversation and are primarily focused on active discussion.
  • Attendees can be seen on camera if they choose.
  • The host and speakers will facilitate discussion and invite people to speak when appropriate during the session.
  • The chat area is available for written discussion.
  • Zoom links will be sent via email before the session and should not be shared.


Who is presenting? Guest speakers will be announced in August. Members of the BF team will also host and present sessions.

BF Learning Week will provide a range of discussions and learning opportunities for people across our community. Coaches, athletes, members, parents, experienced and new fencers, should find something to suit their interests. If you would like to request a session on a specific topic, please contact media@britishfencing.com

How do I join in? Sign up by clicking the links for each session (when available). Once registered, you will receive confirmation and a reminder when the event is about to start. Recordings of some sessions will be available to registered participants.

If you would like to suggest a topic for discussion during the week please contact media@britishfencing.com

Where is the timetable?

The timetable will be shared in August 2023.

Follow #BFLearningWeek on social media and look out for updates, new speakers and event announcements on the BF website.

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