The British Fencing Board announces the timetable and process for the 2020 Election of Board Directors. The election is required to fill two Elected Board Director positions which are vacant through Directors’ time expiring.
The job description for the Board Director position is published on the BF website under “about us zone/the board zone/Board Director Job Description”.
It is essential for any candidate to study this document and consider whether he or she has the capacity and experience to fulfil the role and responsibilities.
We draw members’ attention to the section on the website as follows:
The BF Board has set the following 2024 vision, mission and objectives
Vision – A strong, successful and sustainable Fencing Community
Mission – To inspire and enable people to start, stay and succeed in fencing
1. A pathway to International success
2. A stronger, empowered community of 30,000 fencers, volunteers, coaches and supporters.
3. Accessible inclusive swordplay opportunities delivered via partnership programmes
4. A sustainable future supported by high quality governance and infrastructure that is financially resilient
5. Maximise the wider benefits of fencing and the positive impact it can have on people’s lives
The Board advises members that for good governance purposes, it is essential to maintain a diverse Board of Directors that is representative of the BF membership. The recent equality survey shows that
fencers in the 18-35 age group
are currently under-represented on the Board. Therefore the Board specifically encourages candidates from these groups to stand.
The Board must ensure that it has a broad range of skills and attributes that collectively support the delivery of British Fencing’s vision, mission, and objectives. The Board are seeking to enhance its collective experience and expertise by encouraging candidates with current qualifications and practice experience in the following areas are particularly encouraged to stand:
Financial Management/Accountancy/Corporate Finance
Below is the detailed information about the election from the British Fencing Electoral Officer.
As required by the Bye-laws, the Board has fixed the following dates for these elections:
The Qualifying Date: Friday 14th August 2020
The Qualifying Date is the date at which a member of British Fencing must be a “Qualifying Voting Member” in order to be eligible to vote in the election.
Under the Articles, a Qualifying Voting Member is any Member who is a fully paid-up Voting Member and whose name is entered on the Roll on the Qualifying Date.
In other words, if you want to vote in this election, you must make sure that by not later than the Qualifying Date shown above the British Fencing Head Office has your name entered in its records as a fully-paid up voting member.
Under the current rules, members in the following categories who are aged 18 or over are Voting Members: Starter, Recreational, Compete.
The Nomination Date: Friday 14th August 2020
The Nomination Date is the date by which completed Nomination Forms must be received by British Fencing Head Office. Please note that forms must be received by BF by 12 noon on that date.
This means that if you want to nominate someone as a candidate in this year’s election, you must ensure that the completed Nomination Form, including the completed Details of Candidate Form and the signatures of not less than15, but not more than 20, paid-up members of BF, who are eligible to vote in the election, to support the nomination, has been received by British Fencing Head Office by no later than 12 noon on the Nomination Date shown above. (See further in the attached Instructions for Nomination of Directors.)
Please note that as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic there are no staff working at Head Office, and therefore all nomination forms must be submitted by email, not by post. Nomination forms cannot be submitted through the BF website.
Instructions for Nomination of Directors
Please see the Instructions for Nomination of Directors accompanying this notice.
Teddy Bourne, BF Electoral Officer – July 2020
Election Timetable
The timetable for the election can be seen on the Timeline Chart 2020