05/03/2021- Member


British Fencing and Pentathlon GB are pleased to announce a collaborative relationship has been formed between the two organisations.

Whilst the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on elite sport, the shared challenges that have arisen out of the pandemic have actually proven to be a catalyst for the two Olympic sports to come together to work in a more innovative and cooperative way.

Following the success of a joint training camp hosted by Pentathlon GB at the National Training Centre last month, the two organisations have since turned their attention to how further collaboration between the two national governing bodies might not only enhance the build-up to Tokyo but may also benefit the two sports during the next Olympic cycle and beyond.

Georgina Usher, BF’s CEO said, “We are delighted that this shared opportunity has developed through these challenging times for the athletes. Working together in a hyper connected way to share knowledge and expertise, will be vital to a sustainable relationship and future medal successes. This new way of working will in turn, deliver better value and increased opportunity to all our performing Epeeists, whilst also strengthening both sports for future generations.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thanks the staff and coaches at BF and PentathlonGB for all their hard work and dedication in making this happen.”

Sara Heath, Pentathlon GB’s CEO said, “We’re really excited that we’ve been able to develop a more purposeful relationship with British Fencing over the past few months. Besides the obvious connection we have in sharing the sport of epee fencing, what’s been really encouraging throughout the discussions is the shared goals and ambitions that our two organisations have, and the various ways in which we might be able to support one another to achieve them.

With reduced funding available across the high-performance system, it is crucial for sports to find ways to work together to not only improve the sporting ecosystem but also provide positive experiences for our sports and the athletes as well.

At a time when collaboration and cooperation are regarded as fundamental to sustainable and enduring achievements within the sport, this relationship proves our commitment to the long-term goals of both elite and grassroots sport in Britain”.

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