Message from Caryl Oliver, President of European Veteran Fencing encouraging those coaches working with veterans and seeking to understand and share the techniques and approaches they might be adapting for older existing and older new fencers to get in touch.
With the every growing numbers of veteran fencers, European Veteran Fencing is creating a Veteran Coaches Network. For those fencers who have been fencing many years, the ageing process means a rethink about our fencing – less athleticism and more ‘sneaky’! For older people taking up fencing for the first time it can be a challenge learning from scratch how to co-ordinate all the moving parts!
The EVF Coach network is reaching out to coaches who are working with veterans and seeking to understand and share the techniques and approaches they might be adapting for older existing and older new fencers. We have started with a FaceBook page to enable interested coaches to join the conversation and then we will start to explore the areas that add value to their coaching.
If you are a coach interested in this area we would love to hear from you and benefit from what you might have to share.
Caryl Oliver, President, European Veterans Fencing
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