We’re part of the team. British Fencing is ready to support UKAD’s Clean Sport Week.
We all have a role to play in keeping sport fair and clean. British Fencing is proud to reaffirm our commitment to clean sport by backing UK Anti-Doping’s (UKAD’s) Clean Sport Week campaign.
Clean Sport Week is UKAD’s national awareness week championing clean sport, education and anti-doping initiatives with sports across the UK.
This year’s Clean Sport Week takes place on 22 – 26 May 2023. The theme is “Teamwork in Clean Sport”.
Athletes are central to the team, responsible for making sure they compete clean – it’s their body, their responsibility. Coaches, doctors, medical staff, parents, and us as the governing body for fencing. We are all part of the team and play a vital role in supporting athletes. Collectively, we need to stay educated, inform athletes of their responsibilities, and create an environment that gives athletes confidence.
In support of UKAD, we’re getting behind Clean Sport Week. We challenge all athletes, coaches, and athlete support personnel to show their team player credentials and work together with athletes to fulfil their anti-doping responsibilities.
We are also proud to be working with UKAD on the Assurance Framework, which National Governing Bodies must complete to show they are meeting their anti-doping responsibilities. Check the list of NGBs who have completed the assurance framework here
As part of this, we have an Education Strategy to support athletes early on in their career. Look out for our next anti-doping workshop at 18:00 on the 12th June.
To kick off Clean Sport Week, don’t miss UKAD’s Clean Sport Week webinar on Monday 22 May, which is being broadcast live from Loughborough University and is open to all. The webinar will look at important anti-doping topics and provide advice for all roles in clean sport on being a team player and supporting athletes.
We also encourage anyone that would like to learn more about anti-doping to sign up to UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub where there are free education courses for athletes, students, coaches and practitioners.
Follow @ukantidoping on social media to see a range of educational and exciting content throughout the week.
To find out more about UKAD’s Clean Sport Week initiative click here.
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