Blackheath Fencing Club is a thriving club near Greenwich, south east London. They are looking for a Level 3 foil or above, and minimum Level 2 epee and sabre, to join their Thursday sessions between 6pm and 9.30pm.
The person will have good motivation and communication skills for the junior session (ages 9-15) and able to lead and coach adults in the later session. You will be supported by at least one Level 2 foil coach, and often two.
We have several children moving onto epee and several adult proponents while the adult sabre group is also growing.
In addition, there is a related but separate coaching requirement at a local private junior school also on Thursday afternoons from 3-4pm. This club is currently using plastic foil and epee kit, and is a feeder to Blackheath Fencing Club. Application is to the school directly, with contact details available from Blackheath as below.
Both positions create a good Thursday PM coaching opportunity, but may also work separately.
To apply: please email your CV to [email protected] or call Andrew Nisbet on +44 7887 821443
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