This section provides downloadable constitutional documents for British Fencing.
British Fencing is a limited company (limited by guarantee), this type of limited company is commonly used for a club or an association. This will have limited liability – the liability of its members being limited to the amount each member undertakes to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound up, normally £1.
No shares are issued. This type of limited company has members. The members agree to contribute a membership fee or subscription, normally have equal voting rights and elect a board of directors. Any profits (often known as “surpluses”) are not distributed as dividends, but may be used to support the activities for which the club is formed.
To form the company a number of legal documents are required. The most important ones are listed and explained below with the documents used to form British Fencing available for download on this page as PDF files.
The Memorandum of Association is one of a number of documents required to incorporate a UK company.
It sets out the company’s name, where the registered office of the company is situated (in England, Wales or Scotland) and what it will do (its objects). The object of a company may simply be to carry on business as a general commercial company or support community activities in a club or association
Click here to view the Memorandum of Association of British Fencing.
The Articles of Association is another document required to incorporate a UK company. Its clauses cover the roles of members and membership fees or contributions into the company.
Click here to view the current Articles, as approved by Special Resolution passed on 23.09.2021
Bye Laws are the rules which govern the internal management of an organisation, in this case British Fencing.
Bye Laws As Amended 29.05.2024
For further information you can visit the Companies House Website: