13/06/2023- Safeguarding/Welfare


As part of the European Fencing Confederation Solidarity Programme, last weekend BF delivered a 3 day seminar on safeguarding to representatives of 12 European nations.

The seminar was designed to equip participants with the knowledge to act as safeguarding officers for EFC circuit events, with a particular focus on the needs of children. In addition the course covered an introduction to putting a National Federation safeguarding policy and framework in place.

The Safeguarding seminar was delivered by British Fencing to participants from 12 European nations plus a representative from the EFC Comex.

The safeguarding expertise was provided by:

  • Georgina Usher, British Fencing CEO/Secretary General & FIE Safeguarding Officer
  • Liz Behnke, British Fencing Lead Safeguarding Officer

Hilary Philbin hosted the event on behalf of the EFC and as President of British Fencing.

The participating nations included Austria, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, North  Macedonia, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden.

Hilary Philbin, BF President said, “It was great to see the enthusiasm of the participants for developing their skills and learning whilst creating strong friendships based on common purpose.”

Ana Valero-Collantes, EFC Comex Member said “Safeguarding is instrumental to our sport. Fencing is a place where we should be able to express our passion and feel safe, regardless of our role. Safeguarding training plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, wellbeing and protection of athletes, coaches and other individuals in the sport of fencing”

Georgina Usher, CEO British Fencing, said, “This is a great step towards our common goal of creating safe and fun environments across Europe for young people to develop in fencing”

Liz Behnke, BF Safeguarding Lead, said “It is so important for those working in safeguarding to create their own communities of practice to share knowledge and best practice. This group is the foundation of this community, and we look forward to supporting them as they champion safeguarding within their National Federations and beyond”.




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