Last Updated: 23rd January 2024 – Page is currently under construction and contents will be put out for member consultation before finalising.

Key Points:

  • Senior Ranking Competitions (“Opens”) – Event Organisers can apply to run a Senior Ranking Competition, commonly referred to as an Open through the BF Membership Platform
  • Definition of an Open, a ” single weapon (from the 6 Weapon categories), individual Competition held in the UK which any Senior Member is permitted to enter on payment of the appropriate fee. “
  • Cadet and Junior Ranking Competitions (BRCs) are ran by Event organisers who have applied to run a BRC. The process is organised and licenced through BF for each season.


For all competitions, the club/organisation:

  1. Must have full BF membership and operate under all BF policies and procedures.
  2. Must have access to a fully trained Welfare Officer who will be present at the sanctioned event.
  3. Has sufficient trained and skilled volunteers to support the organisation and running of the event.
  4. All DT members must be members of BF Fencing (or their own National Fencing Federation if international DT members are invited)
  5. All members of the Organising Committee must be members of BF (supporter membership will suffice)
  6. Must document a risk assessment (without this insurance is invalid)
  7. Must publish in advance the details regarding format, referee provision/self refereeing arrangements and availability of changing facilities, refreshments etc.


BF National Championships

Senior Ranking Competition (Open)

Cadet and/or Junior ‘A’ BRC

Cadet and/or Junior ‘B’ BRC

Non BF Ranking Competitive Events

Recreational Level Events

GB League Events

Event Licence – Application

N/A BF Membership Platform BF Online Form Playwaze

Event Licence – Package

N/A Package 1 Packages 4-6 Not Required

Event Entries 

On Platform Package 4 – On Platform Playwaze or any mechanism

Ranking Levy

N/A  Levy per entry, taken at point of payment No Levy Applies


Format 1 Format 10 Formats 2 – 5 Formats 6 – 9

Head Referee*

FIE Qualified Experienced L3 + EFC + Qualified Experienced L3 + L3 Referee N/A

Min Referee Provision*

No self-refereeing.
L3 with minimum L2s under Head Referee advice.
L3 from L16
Self-refereeing OK.
L3 from L4.
No self-refereeing.
L3 from L16
No self-refereeing.
L3 from L8


All pistes conductive – sectional or rollout Marked out and safe. All pistes conductive – sectional or rollout Conductive from L16 (foil, epee). Marked out and safe (sabre). Marked out and safe. Safe Safe

Other Equipment

All boxes score and time.

Finals piste setup.

Score and time boxes from L4


All boxes score and time. Score and time boxes from DE. No minimum No minimum N/A

Welfare Officer Requirements

Qualified (With Valid Membership and qualifications) Welfare Officer required to be at the Event throughout Club session requirements

First Aid Requirements

Dedicated Medical Team Decisions on medical/first aid provision should be reasonable and documented in the risk assessment.  All participants should be considered as part of these decisions. It is the expectation of BF that sports centres and schools will have in place trained medical staff but this should be checked and confirmed by organisers.
Results Submitted Through the Automated Ranking System. Guidance can be found here. This document includes how to upload results and the deadlines for submission.
Notes Format to be agreed with BF via to approval of Event Licence.
Visible promotion of the Fair Play Code (U17)

*L2/L3 standard – There are occasions where there are people in the fencing community with the ability to referee at a L2 or L3 standard but who may not have a current referee qualification. Most often this is the case for GBR athletes who are currently competing at international level and are willing to support domestic competitions by refereeing. Competition organisers may also bring in referees from outside the UK who may not have UK qualifications. It is the responsibility of the Head Referee to approve anyone selected to referee who is not on the current referee register and make sensible decisions about their ability to referee at the standard required. The Head Referee should be on the BF referee register.

Approved Format Lists

  1. FIE Junior Competition Format (no byes)
  2. 1 Poule, No cut, DE with repecharge from 64
    – 1 Round of poules, 100% promotion
    – Direct Elimination with repechage from Tableau of 64 to 32
    – Direct Elimination with repechage from Tableau of 32 to 8
    – Final tableau of 8
  3. 1 Poule, No cut, DE with repecharge from 32
    1 Round of poules, 100% promotion
    Direct Elimination without repechage to Tableau of 32
    Direct Elimination with repechage from Tableau of 32 to 8
    Final tableau of 8
  4. 1 Poule, No cut, DE no repecharge, 32 placement matches
    1 Round of poules, 100% promotion
    Direct Elimination without repechage to Tableau of 32
    Tableau of 32 with placement matches
  5. 1 Poule, No cut, DE to 32 with repecharge, 32 placement matches
    1 Round of poules, 100% promotion
    Direct Elimination with repechage to Tableau of 32
    Tableau of 32 with placement matches
  6. 2 Poules, no cut, DE no repechage
    2 Rounds of poules, 100% promotion, DE no repechage
  7. 2 Poules, no cut, DE to 16, 16 placement
    Direct Elimination without repechage to Tableau of 16
    Tableau of 16 with placement matches
  8. Progressive Poules
    50% promotion, 50% demotion (zero elimination)
    Final poule of 6
  9. 1 Poule, no cut, DE no repecharge to 16, 2 poules of 8 50% cut, DE from 8.
    1 Round of poules, 100% promotion
    Direct Elimination without repechage to Tableau of 16
    2 x poules of 8, 50% promotion
    Final Tableau of 8
  10. Standard Open  Competition Formula –  broadly in line with FIE Article o.66 and should normally include at least one round of poules. Further information

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