11/12/2023- Selection

FIE Grand Prix (TUNIS) WS & MS 2024

GB Men’s and Women’s Sabre squad that is selected for the Senior Grand Prix event in Tunis, Tunisia.


Competition Date: 12th to 14th January 2024.

Deadline to accept the invitation and make full payment on Sport80:  Within 96 hours upon receipt of invitation – Please note that invitations shall be sent as soon as possible due to issues with Sport80 invites

Competition details (Reglements). Please make sure you read the invitation carefully.

Caitlin Maxwell

Maria Chart
Jessica Corby
Kate Daykin
Sophia Potter
Bethany Brierly
Jenna Bray
Melissa Jane
Lexie Craze (D)
Holly Irvine-Legg
Ellen Robbins-Wilkinson
Laura Gladdish
William Deary

Nicholas Howes
Jonathan Webb
Samuel Allen
Barnaby Halliwell
Dan Twine
Olympios Gougoulias
Louis Bedford
Rory McLellan
Liam Croft
Luke Haynes
Max Cromie


Ian Ho

You need a valid FIE licence for the 2023-24 season in order to compete at this competition. You must apply for this via Sport80 before accepting your place on this trip.

Please go to bf.sport80.com – log in using your membership login details; click on the Licences tab and follow the directions for an FIE licence.

All selections are subject to possession of a British passport/certificate of British Citizenship.

A selection email from Sport80 will follow this post within 24 hours. Please note all places must be accepted within 48 hours of notification from the BF membership platform (Sport80) unless notified otherwise.

All BF Codes of Conduct apply to athletes, parents, coaches and officials and attention are drawn in particular to the Code of Conduct for Youth Events.

Accredited Personal Coaches
If you wish to apply to attend in the capacity of a personal coach you must register in advance with BF. Personal Coaches must apply for accreditation to each event using the following form. As a reminder, personal coaches must not coach against fellow GBR fencers during international competitions.

All coaches, including personal coaches, must be on the BF Coaching Register.

Kit and Equipment
Please check to make sure you meet the FIE requirements. Further information can be found here – https://www.britishfencing.com/gbr-fencing/fie-and-efc-equipment-rules/

If you have any queries regarding how the selection is made please ensure you have carefully read the selection policy that can be found here. This policy will also help you understand who you need to contact in the event you think there has been an error in rankings or applying the policy.

If you have any queries regarding why you have not been selected for a discretionary place you should speak to the ADP Lead Coach in your weapon. Please ensure that you have your Athlete Development Profile available and shared with the ADP Lead Coach in advance for that discussion. To book a discussion with an ADP Coach please email your Athlete Development Profile along with details regarding the specific selection you wish to discuss to gbr_support@britishfencing.com.


The BF Appeal Policy and Procedure published here sets out the framework process that will be followed. Athletes have two (2) working days to submit their notices of appeal.

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