Updated 25.10.2022
The GB League is a new, exciting recreational league taking place within BF affiliated clubs where you can earn national league points for participating in competitive club fencing in designated league fixtures.
Taking part in your local GB League fixture (whether you win or lose!) will see you gain points which link to national GB League leaderboards and Mini League Leaderboards.
See where you are on the national leaderboards in the 5-Hit and 15-Hit tables against all other GB League fencers in the UK!
Traditional boundaries of age groups and gender are removed, with all fencers (recreational level members or above) able to take part and fence each other and earn GB League points. Every bout sees both fencers gain points towards the GB League leaderboards.
As the league grows, there will be opportunities to win booster points, such as ‘double points’ month and extra reward points for sharing your results on social media.
Discover what’s involved at a GB League fixture
Get your questions answered
See the all the National results including the GB Mini League Series
Find out about the next GB League initiative launching 2023
Click here to find out more about BF’s latest league series!
Activate your free, 90 day membership to British Fencing today. Membership insures you to fence at any British Fencing club.
Join TodayDoes your organisation want to bring fencing to your community? Explore our core coach course, no experience required.
Core CoachStart your journey to becoming a community fencing coach. Introduce fencing to pupils for as little as £25. Find out more today.
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