Missing Person Management Procedures

Last Updated: 01/07/2024

This includes the procedures to be followed to manage attendees at BF activities*, and manage no-shows of participants and departures specifically of U18s.

* please note that these procedures are not designed for fencers competing in BF-run competitions as it is up to parents/guardians to put the appropriate supervisory processes in place.  The procedures do cover volunteers and officials.

Notwithstanding any procedure laid out below if there are known welfare concerns an Incident Management Panel can be called at any time and actions brought forward.

All camp/trip attendees (and their parents/guardians if U18) must be provided with the Welfare Officers number so that if there is a problem with attendance the WO can be contacted. (NB Often the Welfare Officer and Team Manager are the the same person).

The Welfare Officer will be responsible for coordinating searches and contacting people as per the procedures below. If the Welfare Officer is unavailable the most senior staff member present will step in.


Summary Procedures

Failure to Arrive – If a participant (no known risk) fails to arrive by the latest publish registration time and no message is received, the people listed as the emergency contact(s) on the camp joining form will be called as follows:

  • Age 14 and under – 15 mins after the arrival time
  • Age 15-17 – 30 mins after the arrival time
  • Age 18 and over – 60 mins after the arrival time


Missing/Absent Person

Where there is an unexpected absence (no known risk) and no contact has been made, the parent/guardian/contacts (s) listed as the emergency contacts will be called:

  • Age 18 and under – after max 20 mins of searching
  • Age 18 and over – after 60 mins of no contact

The police should also be called for missing U18s. Where we are aware of known risks to welfare, timescales may be shorter and the police may be called for missing participants age 18 and over.


Failure to Collect (U16s only)

Camps will publish an end time and people collecting children are expected to arrive 10mins before.

Trips have an agreed final exit point (eg 5pm at hotel/venue).

15 minutes after the end time/last exit point – Where there is a failure to collect and no contact with the collecting person established, the parent/guardian/contacts (s) listed as the emergency contacts will be called 

60 minutes after the end time/last exit point -The BF Safeguarding Lead will be contacted. In the UK where alternative arrangements for the supervision of the child cannot be made, the police will be notified. Any alternative supervision arrangements must involve at least two adults, one of which must be a staff member with welfare training and checks.

BF coaches and staff are not expected to provide supervision for children outside published activity hours (camp start and end times/trip entry and exit points).


General Signing In/Out Protocols (Camps)

Training Venue

  • Athletes and staff will sign-in and out every time they enter or leave the building. If there is a fire we must know who is in the building.
  • Coaches will be assigned responsibility for a group of athletes and keeping an eye on their welfare. If an athlete moves group there will be a formal welfare handover between coaches.
  • There will be a check-in at the start of day and after lunch.
  • All parents of U18s are required to complete a form letting us know how athletes are getting home. BF reserve the right to request parental pickup based on a risk assessment (eg location and timings of camp, time of year, age of athlete etc)


Accommodation – in addition to the Non-residential protocols:

  • Athletes will be asked to sign-in when they first arrive on-site – the ‘entry point’ – This entry point may be at the accommodation or at the training facility.
  • Athletes and staff will be asked to sign-in and out every time they enter or leave the accommodation block.
  • Staff will be assigned responsibility for a group of athletes and keeping an eye on their welfare. If an athlete moves group there will be a formal welfare handover between staff members.


Failure to Arrive - Late Protocols (Camps)

Arrival times for camps should be advised for 30mins before the start of the first session.   Eg, Arrival by 8:30am for a prompt 9:00am start.

If an athlete has not arrived 15 mins after the arrival time:

  • If the athlete is age 15 or over the welfare officer will call the athlete and text them if no answer.
  • If the athlete is age 14 and under the welfare officer will call the parent/guardian (s) listed as the emergency contacts and text if no answer.

If an athlete has not arrived 30 mins after the arrival time, and no message received:

  • If the athlete is age 15-17 the welfare officer will call the parent/guardian (s) listed as the emergency contact (s) and text if no answer.
  • If the athlete is age 14 the welfare officer will text the child (this requires permission from the parents to use the child’s number for logistical/operational communications, ideally on a group message function with the parent(s).

If an athlete has not arrived 60 mins after the arrival time, and no message received:

  • For age 18 and over we will call the people listed as the emergency contact(s) on the camp joining form and text if no answer.

Joining instructions will have 3 phone numbers (the welfare officer, the camp manager, and senior staff member) and athletes/parents should make contact in advance if there is a likelihood of being late.

Missing Person (Camp)

If a participant is unexpectedly absent (with no other concerns eg not a known risk)

Step 1 – establish that they are missing.

The welfare office, or someone acting under their instruction will:

  • Text athlete (or athlete parent) “you are expected in the training hall/cafe/etc, can you let us know everything is OK”
  • Check- in with other coaches and athletes to confirm where and when were they last seen
  • Check toilets and changing rooms
  • Check accommodation (if residential)
  • Notify venue staff to support search
  • Text BF Safeguarding Lead as an FYI

If there are known welfare concerns we will immediately move onto Step 2, otherwise we will search for 20 mins in total before moving to Step.2.

Step 2.

If U18 we will call the parent/guardian (s) listed as the emergency contact (s) and text if no answer.

Incident Management Panel convened – Senior BF person in the room will lead and make the decision to call the IMP and who to bring into the meeting – expected WO and BF Welfare Lead

If athlete is Under 18 the police will be notified at this stage

Step 3.

  • For age 18 and over after a further 30 minutes we will call the people listed as the emergency contact (s) and text if no answer.

Detailed - Failure to Collect Protocols

Failure to collect

Camps will be given a departure time 30mins before staff leave.

Parents/guardians can give BF advance permission to allow their child to leave unaccompanied.

15 mins after departure time, if a child under 16 has not been collected their parents/guardians athletes will be contacted.

Athletes should remain in the hall or the reception area of the centre they should not wait for parents in the carpark. Two staff members should remain with any athlete aged under 16 until collected.

60 mins after departure time, if a child under 16 has not been collected and contact from the parent/emergency contact has not been achieved, the BF Safeguarding Lead should be contacted and police notified.

Please note that coaches/staff will not be able to give U18 athletes lifts home etc.




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