Cadet & Junior European Championships 2023

This page is intended for the athletes and coaches attending the Cadet and Junior European Championships 2023. It is also intended to provide information to non-travelling parents and coaches.  Please check back to this page regularly for information updates.

Last Updated 04/02/2023

If you cannot find the information you need on this page please use the form. Any queries being directed to individuals may not be acted upon in a timely manner.  Enquiry Form   Click Here

21 February – 28 February 2023, Tallinn, Estonia 

Website:  Click Here

Schedule:  here.

Leadership Team

  • Chef-de-mission – Steve Kemp
  • Team Manager – Ben Peggs
  • Epee Coaches – Ian Lichfield, Oana Puiu, Richard Lloyd-Jones
  • Sabre Coaches  – Fran Whalley, Phil Shepherd Foster,  Balazs Kurucz, James Williams
  • Foil  Coaches – Keith Cook, Dominique Szokolovics
  • Athlete Support – Matilda Mayne, Sally Peat

Personal Coaches

  • Alex Bela
  • Ziemowit Wojciechowski
  • Dmitri Romankov
  • Jon Salfield
  • Mike Swiffin
  • Tamas Kovacs
  • Peter Barwell

FIE Officials

  • Georgina Usher – FIE Safeguarding
  • Pat Aiyenuro –  FIE Safeguarding
  • Dan Hazelwood – Referee

Staff Flights Out

  • 18th Feb Luton – 16.45
  • 19th Feb Stansted – 07.55
  • 23rd Feb Heathrow 15.30 via Frankfurt


Selection will be according the the BF Selection Policy here. More selection information can be found here including discretionary information and links to all individual calendars where selection timescales and dates/points can be found for this and all other competitions.


Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel
Sadama 11a, 10111 Tallinn
The hotel is for Athletes and Support Staff,  Parents attending the competition are kindly requested to book other hotels in Tallinn.

Squad Athletes selected (listed alphabetically by surname):

Epee Women Epee Men Foil Women Foil Men Sabre Women Sabre Men
Sophia Gerhart Accepted Cador Beautyman  Accepted Maddie Beard Accepted Mihkel Archer Accepted Ava Davies  Accepted Jacob Barr  Accepted
Harriet Hillier Accepted Tristan Lumineau Accepted Megan Elliot  Declined Aarav Chaudhari Accepted Keira Donnelly-Sallows  Accepted Yoji Hiyama  Declined
Gabrielle Holland  Accepted Sameer Sunder-Rajan Accepted Isabella Johnson  Accepted Callum Penman Accepted Hui Xin Sezille  Accepted Alex Lister Accepted
Zoya Suresh Accepted Cheney Zhu  Accepted Amelie Tsang David Sosnov Maya Sutton  Accepted Lucas Yuen Accepted
NTR: Reya Farlam NTR: Noah Goryn NTR: Zoe Wagstaff NTR: Sebastian Beardmore-Esteban NTR: Emily Fereday NTR: Felix Groves Accepted
Epee Women Epee Men Foil Women Foil Men Sabre Women Sabre Men
Imogen Bulman  Accepted Alec Brooke  Accepted Isabella Johnson Accepted Jaimie Cook Accepted Bethany Brierley  Accepted Samuel Allen Accepted
Julie Caron Accepted David Perkins  Accepted Tamara Gavrilenko Joe Donaghue  Accepted Lexie Craze Accepted Max Cromie  Accepted
Hannah LeBor Accepted Louis Taiwo-Williams Accepted Carolina Stutchbury  Accepted David Sosnov  Accepted Melissa Jane Accepted Ian Ho  Accepted
Sophie Peat Accepted Joseph Walmsley  Accepted Amelie Tsang Oliver Strange  Accepted Amy Westwell Accepted Darcy Holdsworth Declined
NTR Abagael Black NTR: Mike Maclennan NTR: Sophie Tsang Rafael Rhys Pollitt  Accepted NTR: Nicole Saunders NTR:  Roman Norris  Accepted

Entry & Exit Points

Athlete are expected to join the squad two days before their competition and leave after the team event. There will be a member of staff to meet everyone at the hotel.

Cadets Entry and Exit Points

  • Men’s Epee Women’s Foil, Women’s Sabre
    • Entry by 14:00 on 19th February
    • Exit  by 9:00 24th February
  • Women’s Epee Men’s Foil, Men’s Sabre
    • Entry by 14:00 on 20th February
    • Exit  by 9:00 25th February

Junior Entry and Exit  Points

  • Men’s Epee Women’s Foil, Women’s Sabre
    • Entry by 14:00 on 23rd February
    • Exit  by 9:00 28th February
  • Women’s Epee Men’s Foil, Men’s Sabre
    • Entry by 14:00 on 24th February
    • Exit  by 9:00 1st March


Athletes Costs

  • Individual Entry Fees:  120 euros (payable in advance)
  • Transfer Costs:  30 euros and this will cover airport transfers and transfers to and from the competition venue
  • Hotel Costs: most athletes should expect to pay for 5 nights and should budget around £50  B&B per night, based on a twin room
  • Staff (Chef de Mission and Team Managers) Contribution: £70/athlete

Athlete Development Programme Subsidy: The Athlete Development Programme will be subsidising the cost to athletes of competing at the Europeans including:
a) paying for balance of the Chef de Missions, Team Managers to attend the event
b) covering team entry fees (140 euros per team)
c) covering the cost of ADP Coaches
d) covering the cost of Sports Science Support

This subsidy typically amounts to several hundred pounds per athlete.


BF is delighted to announce a new 5-year partnership with Kukri to supply a full range of training and leisurewear, alongside a merchandise range and online shop. 

For athletes to access the Championship section, a password will be provided. This password should not be shared with anyone. The range is exclusive to athletes that have been selected for major championships

A voucher will be provided to those athletes attending their first Major Championship to support the purchase of the new team wear.


It is your responsibility to ensure your kit has the correct logos/patches and your equipment meets FIE standards.

As part of the terms of the Leon Paul sponsorship arrangement, all athletes competing are required to wear a Leon Paul logo. This should appear on the back arm. For foilists and epeeists the logo patch should be sewn onto the back arm ideally above the GBR logo. Sabreurs will need to have their lames printed directly by Leon Paul. This can be done at any event where Leon Paul have a printing service or at the Leon Paul shop. Alternatively, you can contact and they will send you patches to sew onto your lame jacket (you will need to specify the type of lame – eg lightweight).

Please note that NO logos of any description, other than the GBR national logo, should be on the breeches – the FIE rules changed in September 2019 (see here).

Please also note that the commemorative event patches should not be attached to the fencing jackets (or breeches) that you will be wearing at the event.

Authorised Personal Coaches

ALL coaches must abide by the relevant BF policies including –[1].pdf and

Please Note: As there is a staff allocation that is less than the number of fencers attending we are unable to guarantee accreditation for all personal coaches. The personal coach allocation is split 50/50 between cadet and junior.

If the applications for accreditations of personal coaches for the cadets and juniors have exceeded the available applications. Accreditations will be awarded based on

  1. Coaches are up to date on the coach register
  2. If the fencers’ personal coaches has met the qualification standard for selection
  3. Coaches have consistently demonstrated suitable coaching behaviours and are not currently being investigated
  4. Have an up to date Coach Health Check – Personal Development Plan
  5. Fencer selection place 1-4

To request accreditation Click Here –
Deadline for applications  – 1st February 2023

Coach Register (Overseas) 
Coach Register (UK)


There will be testing at the event.

Athletes: Athletes are solely responsible for any banned substance they use, attempt to use, or that is found in their system, regardless of how it got there and whether or not they had an intention to cheat. Athletes must

This page will be updated as and when more information is available.


We are aware that the choice of direct flights to Tallinn  have limitations  in short supply from UK airports. For this trip, parents and athletes will be responsible for booking their flights to and from the event, ensuring that sufficient time is given to arriving at the meeting points. This includes taking any covid tests before the meeting takes place. BF will not be responsible for booking or changing any athletes flights for these championships. Due to the complexity of travel currently, we will be unable to advise on this area.

Please note any U18’s that needs chaperoning for travel please let us know and we will help to make arrangements where we can.

Other Travel Instructions

23kg will be enough for your fencing bag, providing you pack your fencing kit in your carry on case.

Do’s and Don’ts:

  • Do not take liquids or gels in your hand luggage. (100mls or under in a transparent bottle is OK).
  • Do not take tool kit items in your hand luggage.
  • Do put your mask, jacket, plastron, breeches, glove, socks, and a spare handle (if you have one) in your hand luggage in case any fencing bags get lost.  (This means that all you need to borrow to fence is a sword if the worst happens.)
  • Do travel in comfortable clothing,  wearing trainers to travel in.
  • Do not wear any GBR marked clothing whilst travelling.
  • Do pack any phone batteries in your hand luggage
  • Do ensure that ALL your electronic equipment (phone, etc) is fully charged, and can be shown to be working. If it isn’t, it may be confiscated at security.

Independent Travel

Athletes unable to travel from UK airports (eg athletes travelling from outside the UK) are permitted to choose to travel independently however they must not arrive on a later date or leave on an earlier date than the rest of the squad. Transfers need to be discussed with BF Head Office.


There will be a daily transfer provided by the competition organisers. All the details will be available at the hotel info point and at the info point of the competition venues.


By accepting selection to represent GBR at any European and World Championships you have already agreed to the British Fencing Codes of Conduct. Please act responsibly and sensibly and understand that we are one collective team and respect and support for your fellow team members is expected and reasonable. In addition every member of the squad is being supported by public funding and is expected to behave in a way that recognises the responsibilities that this brings. Funding to compete (whether from public or private sources) is not an entitlement and we owe it to everyone that contributes to our participation to act as professionals and role models for our sport.

As a reminder Youth events are alcohol free for the entire duration of the stay and any athlete consuming alcohol should expect to serve a ban in accordance with the published sanctions. Parents and Personal Coaches attending events are expected to support athletes and are respectfully requested to refrain from consuming alcohol if they are socialising/eating with athletes.

Any breach of BF Code of Conduct may result in fines equivalent to any athlete subsidy paid by BF.


Free Intro Membership

Activate your free, 90 day membership to British Fencing today. Membership insures you to fence at any British Fencing club.


Core Coach Offer

Does your organisation want to bring fencing to your community? Explore our core coach course, no experience required.


Calling All Teachers

Start your journey to becoming a community fencing coach. Introduce fencing to pupils for as little as £25. Find out more today.

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