GBR Coaching Panel (Senior)

Last updated 12.10.2021 This is page is no longer in use, and only published for archive purposes.

British Fencing maintains a panel of coaches from which coaches are selected to act as GBR National Coaches to support the Senior GBR Teams when competing internationally in Senior FIE World Cups Team events, European and World Championships.

Coaches will be appointed to the panel following an annual review which will include feedback from the athletes (including via the Senior Athletes Rep Panel).

For World Cup Team Events, the individual Weapon Managers will be responsible for selecting a coach from the panel.  It may not be possible for funding reasons to send coaches to all events.

For European and World Championships, the International Senior Management Group and the BF Coaching Development Manager will select the coaches from the panel, taking into account the views of the athletes selected.

The current Senior GBR Coach Panel is:
Foil: Alex Beardmore
Epee: John Rees, Oana Puiu
Sabre: Jon Salfield, James Williams

As at October 2018, in response to athlete feedback, Johnny Davis will continue in his role as travelling GBR Team Manager for the Men’s Foil Squad and there is no current intention to appoint a GBR National Coach for the Men’s Foil Team events.

Please note

  • BF does not currently have a budget to support sending coaches with the Senior teams.
  • If funding to support Senior GBR coaches is secured (eg through the BF Charity, Epee Club, sponsors or patrons) then coaches will be appointed from this panel based on factors including availability, cost and athlete views.
  • Should a team of fencers qualify for Euros/Worlds, every effort will be made to secure funding to enable one or more of the coaches per weapon to accompany the squad.
  • If any of the coaches on the panel are attending a World Cup in a personal coaching capacity they can (volunteer to) act as GBR National Coach for that team event.  If more than one coach from the panel from a weapon is attending the same competition the expectation is that they will work together as GBR National Coaches. In that scenario there will be a nominated GBR lead coach for the Team event.
  • The panel will be reviewed at least on an annual basis before the start of the international World Cup season by the Weapon Managers, Chair of the International Senior Management Group and the BF Coaching Development Manager.

Coaches that wish to apply to join the panel should submit a CV to [email protected] with supporting letters from at least 2 athletes within the top 10 of the Senior GB rankings who are regularly competing at Senior World Cup/Grand Prix level.  Alongside experience of coaching at international level, panel coaches are expected to demonstrate active involvement in continual professional development and be working as part of the coaching team delivering the GBR athlete development programme activities.

Personal coaches may still accompany athletes representing GBR, for more information please read[1].pdf

All coaches supporting GBR athletes (whether appointed or personal):

  • MUST be on the BF Coaching Register or in the case of coaches based abroad, the equivalent National Federation Register.
  • MUST follow the BF Code of Conduct and the BF Coaches Code of Conduct and are expected to be ambassadors for the sport and for BF, setting a positive example to the athletes.
  • MUST be a member of British Fencing (supporter member is sufficient).
  • MUST cooperate in a positive, productive and supportive manner with any GBR Team Manager or Leader and any official GBR Squad/Team/Accredited (including personal) coaches.
  • Are subject to the authority of any appointed Team Manager/Leader and/or National Coach of the GBR Squad during the relevant event.
  • MUST be qualified to a Level 2 standard or equivalent if providing individual warmup lessons as part of their activities.



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