31/10/2022- Selection


BF is delighted to announce the Squad for the upcoming Championships which will be held in in Warsaw, Poland from  29th November to 4th December 2022.

At the selection meeting, it was reaffirmed with the selectors that selection for the IWAS Para Fencing Europeans is:

  • Based on meeting the qualification standard
  • Fencers  who have not met the qualification standard could be selected for a team
  • Fencers who have not met the qualification standard could be selected for the development opportunity for future Championships

Congratulations to all the athletes and their coaches.

Athletes selected (listed alphabetically by surname):

 1 Gemma Collis  Q
 2 Dimitri Coutya  Q
 3 Piers Gilliver  Q
 4 Emily Holder  D & T
 5 Oliver Lam Watson  Q
 6 Justine Moore  Q
 7 Shah Rashid  Q
 8 Joshua Waddell  D & T


Q = Qualified, T = Selected via the Team, D = Discretionary

The ambition of the selection is for fencers to compete as much as the timetable will allow and with the WCP Performance Principles.

Individual medal prospect first
Individual development opportunity for future medal success
Team, depending on timetable and athlete readiness

Further event and travel information click here 

IWAS European Championships Selection Panel 2022

The members of the panel were:

Steve Kemp – Chair
Glen Golding – WCP Selector
Peter Rome – WCP Selector
Matt Hammond – WCP Selector (DNA – provided selection recommendations)
Ian Lichfield – ADP Representative/Independent Observer

The panel met on 31st October 2022.

For fencers that did not meet the qualification standard for selection, the selection panel took a number of discretionary factors from the selection policy into account including:

  1. Team Weapon Plan
  2. Development trajectory to 2024/2028/2032 Olympic Games

For Appeals and Complaints please read below – please note selections are subject to appeal

Appeals & Complaints (Section 13 – extract from the Selection Policy)

  1. Any athlete who has not achieved the eligibility criteria and qualifying performance standards for automatic selection for any International Competitions or Major Championships shall have no right of appeal against non-selection for these competitions.
  2. Any athlete who has not completed and submitted a ‘GBR Discretionary Selection Form’, shall have no right of appeal against non-selection for these competitions.
  3. Any athlete who has not provided a completed Athlete Assessment Form (submitted as part of the Selection Application Form where applicable), shall have no right of appeal against non-selection for these competitions.
  4. Submitting the Selection Application Form is the opportunity for the athlete to provide any relevant data to the Selection Panel. An athlete shall have no right of appeal against non-selection on the grounds that the data supplied by the athlete was missing or inaccurate.

This selection has been published in a timely manner to allow for those competing to book travel and make preparations.

Where there is a disappointment to manage, we would request that all parents and coaches support open conversations which form an important aspect of the athlete development journey and will provide the opportunity to better understand the selection decision and the route to future selection.

Whilst we understand that selection decisions can generate significant emotion, we would ask that parents and coaches do not behave in ways that might constitute abuse or harassment to BF staff, selectors and coaches.  This includes repeated calling, messaging, emailing and making personal threats. Any such behaviour will be reported for disciplinary action.

Queries about selection?

If you have any questions relating to this post, please submit them to us via the form here and a member of the ADP team will come back to you.

If there are any outstanding queries you should email Steve Kemp E: steve.kemp@britishfencing.com cc’ing your personal coach.

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