BF is changing the way we administer Junior World Cups. Please read the previous (Part 1.) announcement for background. In summary due to the increasing resources to support athlete travel requirements, Sport:80 will no longer be responsible for booking travel. BF Head Office will be taking over the administrative responsibility for booking and paying for appointed GBR Squad Coaches, Team Managers and Referees for Junior World Cups.
For nominated Junior World Cups competition hotels will be booked for the whole squad by BF based on the agreed arrival and departure dates. If officials wish to extend their stay for personal reasons they are responsible for making independent accommodation bookings for the additional nights.
In response to feedback from Team Managers and Referees, the process for travel booking will be changing:
Step 1. TMs/Referees will be responsible for sourcing the best value and most appropriate flights and transfers as early as possible (at least 3 months in advance)
Step 2. TMs/Referees complete a travel request form.
Step 3. BF check the travel request and if OK, sends approval/confirmation
Step 4. TMs/Referees book travel and upload a copy of their booking confirmation.
Step 5. TMs/Referees can then immediately complete and upload an expense form for faster expense processing. The expense form will be provided pre-coded.
Step 6. BF approve and pay expenses.
It is important that officials make their own bookings as if any issues arises insurance companies and airlines prefer to deal with the person that has made the booking. (And BF will not be providing 24 hr phone support for travel bookings).
We recommend that referees should apply for credit cards to avoid being out of pocket – the fastest turnaround for BF processing expense claims is 10 working days. Please contact us asap if this is going to cause a significant issue for you.
For nominated individual JWC events the travel plans of referees and Team Managers will be published to allow other fencers to book similar flights however these must be booked independently and neither the Team Manager or the Referee is responsible for the welfare of others travelling on the same flight.
For nominated individual JWC events, if transport from airport to hotel is provided by the competition organisers this will be booked by the Team Manager for athletes/referees/coaches that provide BF with their flight details by a deadline. (This deadline will vary as it will normally be set by the competition organisers).
For JWCs where the individual event is not nominated but the team event is, BF will make a hotel booking for members of the team only – the Team Fencers, referee, Team Manager and any allocated Team Coach. The Team Manager will be responsible for coordinating travel from airport to hotel for members of the team only.
Reminders – Registration, Insurance and Applicable Policies
The BF Expenses policy will be strictly adhered to. Please pay close attention to the policies especially with regards to use of taxis as these are only refunded in very rare cases.
As always FIE JWC Coaches, Team Managers and Referees must be on the relevant BF register. This ensures that the BF public liability policy covers the individuals for the activities they are undertaking on behalf of BF.
As always, all athletes, coaches, referees and team managers must have their own personal travel insurance which specifically covers them for the activities they are undertaking. If, after a travel booking is made, an official is no longer able to travel they are expected to claim on their policy and refund BF if an expense claim has already been processed.
All relevant BF policies apply and by agreeing to act as an official you are automatically agreeing to these policies which are available on the BF website here.