19/08/2024- Latest News


BF is thrilled to share the impactful results from our recent Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course, which empowered participants with essential skills to support themselves and others in times of mental health need.

Course Highlights

Over the span of two days, attendees engaged in a blend of interactive activities and in-depth discussions, all designed to deepen their understanding of mental health challenges and responses. Participants were introduced to ALGEE, the cornerstone of mental health first aid, which stands for:

  • A – Approach the person, assess and assist with any crisis
  • L – Listen and communicate non-judgementally
  • G – Give support and information
  • E – Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help
  • E – Encourage other supports (including self-help strategies and social networks)

Practical Application

One of the most valuable aspects of the course was the hands-on practice. Attendees were able to apply ALGEE in real-world scenarios, ensuring they felt confident in:

  • Checking in on someone’s well-being – recognising the signs that someone may not be okay.
  • Referring to additional support – knowing when and how to connect individuals with mental health professionals or community resources.
  • Seeking immediate help – identifying situations where urgent professional intervention is necessary.

These skills apply to helping others, but they’re also critical to managing one’s own mental health. By learning how to assess and address mental health concerns, attendees are better equipped to care for their well-being, fostering resilience and self-awareness.

The Outcome

The courses were attended by 18 participants, a mixture of GBR Coaches and Team Managers, BF Event Staff and Regional Welfare Officers. Participants left the course feeling empowered and prepared to act as mental health first-aiders in their communities. They now have the tools to offer immediate support, guide others toward professional help, and maintain their own mental health in challenging times. This graph shows how confident participants were before the sessions and after.

The feedback from the course was positive. One participant said: “I found the course very useful and it has given me the confidence to put myself forward to help someone who needs help with their mental health. The course was informative and very helpful.”

If you missed this session, keep an eye out for future opportunities coming soon.

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