14/04/2015- Latest News

(Source: Newcastle University)

Newcastle University Announce Boost to Performance Sport Programme

Newcastle University has changed its support for athletes studying at the university.

The biggest change is that the financial incentives have increased for talented sports people to come and study at Newcastle whilst continuing to train.

Fencers are eligible for support being a performance sport and the highest performing sport at Newcastle University in the BUCS leagues.

In addition to the generic support listed below fencers can also benefit from three evening training sessions and one afternoon per week as well as individual lessons outside these sessions.

We also train in Newcastle Fencing Centre which is a 12 competition piste venue close to the centre of Newcastle. The centre has 12 conductive pistes and scoring boxes as well as kit storage and a pistol range for any pentathletes as well as shower and changing facilities.

Sports Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis and are available to undergraduate and postgraduate applicants, as well as current students. Scholarships are reviewed annually and we encourage applications from any year of study.

All sports scholarship applicants will be required to demonstrate previous and current sporting achievements and have a commitment to continue improving in their sport and representing the University.

Selection criteria are based upon senior or age group representative honours at national and/or regional level. Individuals who are part of National Governing Body (NGB’s) performance squads will also be considered.

Emphasis is placed on awarding scholarships to athletes competing in one of our Performance Clubs however, performers from any sport will be considered.

Scholarships are only offered to students who have gained a place or are currently studying at Newcastle University. Every Sports Scholar must be a student at Newcastle University, represent the University and compete for the University in British Universities Colleges Sport (BUCS) events where applicable.

Support offered is at two levels.

Level 1

National/Regional standard. Students should be part of a regional squad or equivalent. 

Funding up to £6k

Services Received
Small group S&C sessions
Access to medical services including physiotherapy and sports massage
Professional Coaching
Upgraded to Gold Gym Membership
Mentoring/Lifestyle Support
Athlete workshop programme covering topics such as sports physiology, nutrition, psychology, screenings, injury prevention & management and lifestyle management.
Sport Science Support
Performance Branded Sports Kit
Access to Training Facilities
Performance Video Analysis

Level 2

International/National level within the last 12 months. Students should be part of a National Governing Body Performance Squad or equivalent. 

Funding up to £10k

Services Received
1:1 & Small group S&C sessions
Access to medical services including physiotherapy and sports massage
Professional Coaching
Upgraded to Gold Gym Membership
Mentoring/Lifestyle Support
Athlete workshop programme covering topics such as sports physiology, nutrition, psychology, screenings, injury prevention & management and lifestyle management.
Sport Science Support
Performance Branded Sports Kit
Access to Training Facilities
Performance Video Analysis

If you feel you meet the pre-requisites of academic standards and sporting pedigree please apply online.

All applicants will be considered and awards distributed at the discretion of the Performance Sport Team.

For further details please contact the Performance Sport Team – Tel No: 0191 208 7224, Email: performance.sport@newcastle.ac.uk

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