Para Fencing International Classification

Last updated: 23.02.2024

International Classification

Any athlete that wishes to take part in an IWAS/World Ability Sport (WAS) sanctioned competition such as a World Cup, Regional Championships, World Championships, Paralympics or Satellite competition, must have an International Classification (IC)

Most IWAS/WAS World Cup or Satellite competitions have a provision for classification assessments during the competition. Please check the IWAS website for the calendar of events and classification availabilities.

Where International Classification is offered at a competition, athletes may be entered for an International Classification along with their competition entry.

In some cases it may be possible for an athlete to have the first part (physical assessment) of the classification only, without entry into the competition. However this is solely at the discretion of the International Federation. In such cases the athlete will not receive a confirmed classification and will need to be classified again including the physical and observational assessment at their first International competition.



Before BF will enter an athlete for an International Classification they should have:

  1. undergone the BF National Classification process
  2. competed in a domestic wheelchair competition eg Scottish Open, Welsh Open, British Open, British Championships. (Note that none of the listed Opens currently require a National Classification)


The International Classification Process

The process for IC is set out on the IWAS/WAS website, which includes the IWAS WF Classification Rules, and the downloadable forms which are required for submission prior to any request for International classification.

IWAS WF Classification Overview

IWAS WF Classification Rules and Forms

It is important that any athlete that wishes to be classified familiarises themselves with these rules and the process involved. British Fencing cannot circumvent the IWAS rules or procedures.

For a first- time international classification, please download and complete the following IWAS forms, ensuring that they are completed by the appropriate person or medical expert as applicable.

Please provide copies of all supporting medical documentation as requested in the form, or to support your diagnosis/condition. If you are unable to provide any supporting documentation, your application may be declined by IWAS.

All classification forms, athlete evaluation forms, consent forms and medical evidence for International Classification must be submitted on using the online form at least 8 weeks prior to the date of the classification. British Fencing will forward these on to IWAS 6 weeks prior to the classification,

Once your documents have been submitted to IWAS, they will be considered by the Classification Team, and they may request further supporting information or evidence to be forwarded on to them before you are given any Classification Assessment schedule.

If your documents have been accepted by IWAS and no further documentation is required, they will inform BF of your allocated day and time slot for the Classification Assessment. The Classifications generally take place on the day before the competition starts.

Please note: It is important that any athlete that wishes to be classified familiarises themselves with these rules and the process involved. BF cannot circumvent the IWAS rules or procedures.






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