07/08/2015- Latest News

The FIE recently published a statement regarding the ‘earlier versions’ of PBT masks that are not permitted for use at FIE competitions.


British Fencing is aware of 4 accidents in the last 18 months (2 in UK) involving these earlier versions of mask where penetration of the side of the mask by an unbroken sabre blade occurred, with no serious injury.

We would like to draw your attention to the latest updated statement from PBT – hereupdated 07/08/15

This statement provides information regarding how masks can  be upgraded by PBT to the latest FIE homologated version.

Please also note additional advice that any PBT mask purchased in the last 3 months is likely to be the new model but the reseller may need to arrange for the necessary label to be applied (see picture in PBT statement) to ensure that it passes FIE weapon controls.
Reminder – any incidents of concern involving any type of mask should always be reported to BF in writing.

British Fencing Safety Committee

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