18/03/2021- Clubs

Return to Fencing – Risk Assessments

It is important for all clubs to not only have an up to date Risk Assessment but also have a plan in place to refresh and review processes on a regular basis as activity returns.

As we reach each planned stage in the government’s roadmap restrictions will ease and lessen. With this in mind, as clubs look to return, now is a good time to start to build a framework for a risk assessment. Also, there is an added importance of planning regular reviews to ensure that processes implemented remain fit for purpose.

Hannah Gavin, BF’s Development Officer for Clubs and Regions, has put together a video guide to writing a club risk assessment that can be seen on BF’s YouTube channel here. For further guidance, check out BF’s sample risk assessments on the Return to Fencing Resource Page on the COVID section of the website menu.

Please remember that BF are here to advise and if you would like help with your risk assessment please don’t hesitate to get in touch; [email protected].

Also, clubs can store their up to date risk assessment on their sport80 membership profile;

  1. Log into your club’s account; www.bf.Sport 80.com.
  2. Select ‘Documents’ on the left hand menu
  3. Click ‘Add Document’ in the top right corner of the window
  4. From the dropdown menu select ‘Covid-19 Risk Assessment’ and click ‘Next’
  5. Upload the file and click ‘Add’


To find more tasks like these search ‘Return to Fencing’ on any of our platforms.

As always, we will continue to update our COVID-19 advice here, with dedicated pages for clubs and coaches.

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