Return to Fencing – Welfare Officers and Coaches
As the easing of restrictions is mapped out and we head towards summer, our members are looking forward to our Return to Fencing. BF has gathered a toolkit of tasks and information designed to help affiliated clubs and members prepare.
The next step is for clubs to ensure that their support workforce is up to date and ready to return. If you haven’t touched base with your officers or coaches for a while, it’s a good idea to check in and make sure they are ready and happy to return.
Welfare Officers
Here are some key actions clubs can do in relation to their Welfare Officers;
- They must have a valid BF membership, Club Admins can check the validity of their club members by using the lookup tool here. If they are not already a member they can join at
- All BF affiliated clubs are required to register their welfare officer on the club’s Sport80 profile. Club Admins can ensure the information is up to date by following the instructions here.
- They must have performed a criminal record check.
- Ensure they have all the valid safeguarding qualifications. A list of approved courses is detailed here.
- Check the status of your welfare officer on the BF CWO register. If you notice anything incorrect please let us know by emailing
- Any welfare officer being added to the register will then need to supply evidence of their criminal record check and upload any certificates into the membership platform if they have completed training.
- Ensure your welfare officer details are easily visible and up to date on your club website. It’s a good idea to have a generic ‘welfare@myclub’ e-mail address.
- Ensure you have up to date welfare policies and procedures in place and these are displayed on your website.
- To request more information about booking an online Time to Listen and En Garde Ready? courses, please complete this form.
Here are a few things coaches can do in relation to the Coach Register:
- Check your BF membership is up to date and remains valid. You can join at
- Ensure your criminal record check is up to date.
- Upload your coaching qualification certificates to your Sport80 profile. Watch this short video to learn how to upload certificates.
- Do the same with your Safeguarding certificate and your First Aid certificate or declaration. (At the time of writing, First Aid is still temporarily suspended as a minimum requirement. Your status on the register will not be affected if you are not able to renew your certificate until this requirement is reinstated).
- Ensure your Safeguarding certificate is up to date. Sign up for one of the accepted courses if your most recent certificate is expired or due to expire soon.
- If you are thinking of getting a new coaching qualification, let us know about your interest by completing this Expression of Interest form. We will then contact you directly when there is an update on the return to coaching courses.
- Complete your Coach CV on Sport80 to create a profile for the new Coach Register.
More information on all of the above, including accepted Safeguarding courses can be found here. For Frequently Asked Questions about the Coach Register, please consult this page.
To find more tasks like these search ‘Return to Fencing’ on any of our platforms.
As always, we will continue to update our COVID-19 advice here, with dedicated pages for clubs and coaches.
You can also subscribe to our new weekly summary email – The Fencing Digest – featuring the previous week’s latest news and announcements. Sign up here.