Sport England Reopen Their Small Grants Programme
Sport England’s Small Grants Programme offers awards between £300 and £15,000 for projects within sport and physical activity.
See the key information below about the funding stream with links to the application process;
- Awards of £300-£15,000 are available to not-for-profit organisations.
- Multiple applications can be submitted, but organisations can only have awards of up to £15,000 in any 12-month period.
- Awards are to help inactive and less active people become more active.
- The priority is to support projects working with people living in areas of disadvantage as defined by the Indices of Multiple Deprivation areas 1 to 3.
- Applications should explain why there’s a need for the project and how end users have been involved in developing the project.
- Applications should consider how the project adds value to services currently available in your local community, and work collaboratively with other groups to maximise the impact of the project.
- The closing date for applications is 30th June 2023.
See full guidance here.
If you need any help or advice please contact Hannah (
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