TAP Speaks: Mentee, Phoebe Newton-Hughes, speaks about her journey as a fencer and advocating for equal opportunities in sport.
Episode 4 is now available on BF TV
In this episode, Phoebe Newton-Hughes talks about becoming a full-time fencer, the stresses of finances and living alone, and her thoughts on equal opportunities. “I think it’s very important to be an active participant in helping yourself, especially in terms of the more personal advice, they can’t help you if you aren’t willing to share with them and be honest and make that connection.”
Phoebe also shares more about the group effort it takes to be an athlete, “Athletes are made by their community, by their coaches and by their teammates, and obviously all of your own hard work, but also it’s a real group effort to make a good athlete, and I think that it’s only fair to give that back to your community where you can and to also take that help when it’s offered, and really make the most of it, which is what I really felt like I had the opportunity to do with the TAP program.”
TAP Speaks: with British Fencing is a series of eight videos exploring elements of the collaboration between BF and The True Athlete Project. Each week we will be sharing an episode from the series.
On Guard, On Demand Online: Find this series on BF TV and share on social media using the hashtag #TAPintofencing
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