This page is dedicated to BF's Environmental Sustainability initiatives.

You can find the British Fencing sustainability policy here: BF Environmental Sustainability Policy

BF has a working group to discuss and develop matters relating to sustainability: Environmental Sustainability Working Group


Current Activities


Join BF’s campaign to make the sport as environmentally friendly and sustainable as possible. Sport has a big impact on the world and is a platform to inspire positive change. Just recycling is not enough – what else should we all be doing?

Click here for a short survey: What can we do to help?

How Big is Your Environmental Footprint?

Our world is in crisis: from climate change to the pollution in our oceans and devastation of our forests. It’s up to all of us to fix it. Take your first step with this footprint calculator on the WWF website: How big is my environmental footprint?

Offsetting Carbon Emissions (Draft Guidance)

International fencing for GBR athletes requires a great deal of air travel. The BF Environmental Working Group provides guidance for members considering carbon offsets: Draft guidance for offsetting emissions. 

BF Base Year Operational Carbon Footprint: Summary Report

This summary report presents the results of the operational base year (FY 22/23) carbon footprint for the British Fencing National Governing Body (NGB). See the report here.

Environmental Venue Checklist for Large Events

This is a checklist that competition organisers can use to start a conversation about environmental impact with the venues they use for events. See the file here

Coming Soon

If you have any additional ideas, suggestions, or initiatives you would like to contribute to our efforts, please contact the group co-ordinator: 


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