As the taking and sharing of images in fencing increases, this is a short reminder of best practice.
More and more people are choosing to take videos and photos of themselves or their children in fencing environments.
It is important to remember that if you are planning to share photographs or videos publicly (which includes on facebook, tiktok, instagram), consent must be sought from identifiable individuals.
Typically, competition organisers will request consent for use of images as part of the conditions of entry. In these terms and conditions it should describe the purpose of the images and what they will be used for. Competition organisers often live stream finals and publish photos of the fencing action and medal ceremonies. Thanks to the consent given at point of entry (by the guardian if U18) the organisers and other participants can then share those official images publicly.
When you sign up as a member of a club you should be given an explanation about how the club will use your personal data (including your image) and you will normally be asked to consent (eg through an opt in/opt out process). If you are not being provided with this information you should ask the club secretary.
Participants (or their parents if U18) concerned about image usage should read the terms and conditions of any club membership and competition carefully. If there is a safeguarding reason why a child’s (or adult at risk’s) image cannot be shared in the ways described the event or club welfare officer should be contacted to discuss whether arrangements can be put in place to protect the person.
However, it may not in all circumstances be possible for event organisers to accept entries from people who do not wish their image to be used and/or shared. For example, participants cannot opt-out of video refereeing and live-streamed finals.
Please note that it is not possible for BF to prevent people taking photos and videos in a public place, nor does BF control the use of CCTV in third party venues. If you have concerns about CCTV being operated in third party venues you visit you should ask for their usage policy.
Even where people do give consent to their image being used, care and sensitivity should be used by everyone when choosing which images to share on social media.
Care should be taken to ensure the image is one that would not cause any distress or embarrassment. When live streaming or videoing fights it is strongly recommended to pan away from any injury treatment, visible distress or any required clothing changes. Event organisers should have protocols in place for this.
If you are a parent taking photos or videos of your own child, you should not share these on social media unless you have the consent of the other identifiable children in the photo. If you want to use a photo on social media that someone else has published you should make sure that you have the relevant permissions to do so – both from the person that took the photo, but also any identifiable minors.
If you are contacted by someone asking for their image to be removed from something you have posted you should typically action this as quickly as possible.
When travelling and fencing abroad the rules can be very different. In some countries filming may be far more prevalent and people from outside the UK may choose to share images without consent. BF has limited jurisdiction in these situations. There will also be occasions where the use of all filming may be banned.
Finally, as a reminder if the use of your image causes you distress you should (where possible) ask the person who has posted it to remove it, and if they do not, report it to British Fencing.