Are you OK?

It’s OK to not be OK

NOTE: This page focuses on mental health, if you are experiencing any form of harassment or abuse, or any behaviour that has made you feel uncomfortable we encourage you to reach out.

Click here for additional advice if you are a young person, and here if you are an adult that wishes to report a concern.

“It’s okay to not be okay. You’re allowed to change your mind, to take a break or leave a situation you don’t feel comfortable in. There’s no need to blame yourself for any of those things just like there’s no need to feel bad about… feeling bad. We should all be allowed to fall apart sometimes so that we can find ourselves all over again.”

One in four people will experience a problem with their mental health every year, but it is not something that people find easy to talk about.

At British Fencing, we believe it is important to keep conversations about mental health and wellbeing going. We recognise that sport can be both part of a solution, but also part of the problem (for example the additional stresses faced by competitive fencers seeking GBR selection).

We are taking action to support our community to help create environments where these conversations can take place.

If you are in that place when it feels like there is a dark cloud hanging over you, or things are stressing you out and you feel you can’t face them anymore, there are people and organisations that you can reach out to.



NHSCheck your mental health symptoms

Infoline: 0300 123 3393 – an information and signposting service.
Open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays).
Email:   Text: 86463

24/7 free helpline with people that you can talk to
Call: 116 123, Email:

Confidential support and advice service for children and young people (under 35) who are experiencing thoughts of suicide or anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide
Call: 0800 061 41 41, Mobile 07860 039967,  Email:

Changing Minds
Comprehensive psychological services, working with relationships and strengths to improve wellbeing and performance.
Call 01925 483069, Email:

LGBT Foundation for advice, support and information between 9am and 9pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday (excluding bank holidays and religious festivals) on 0345 330 3030

Mind Out – an LGBTQ mental health service.

Trans Unite – to find Trans support groups near you.

If you are struggling with gender identity issues, you can find links to organisations offering urgent help here:

You can also visit the NHS website –  – for more information regarding gender dysphoria.


There is also additional mental wellbeing support for athletes on BF programmes – if you would like to access that support please email or speak to any member of the staff/support team and they will help signpost you to the options available.

If you are fencing in a club, you can also reach out to your coach or welfare officer.

(If you want to understand more about mental health and access related resources please click here: Mental Health & Wellbeing )


Wellbeing Reporting

Click here to report a non-serious concern or a concern where there is no imminent risk to welfare.

Click here for the accident and ‘near misses’ reporting form



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