
Disciplinary Chair: John Boumphrey

Disciplinary Deputy Chair: Steve Barrow

The Disciplinary Code describes how British Fencing will deal with alleged disciplinary Offences, as defined in the Code.

Disciplinary Code for disciplinary breaches from 1st January 2024 

All alleged breaches of BF Codes of Conduct before 1st January 2024 will be dealt with under the old Disciplinary and Grievance Code.

Indicative Sanctions Guide 08.03.16

Athlete Penalties Youth – updated December 2014

Offences & Penalties Sheet

Disciplinary Panel Job Specification

Black Card Note: in GBR Domestic Events the fencer is immediately excluded from the competition and suspended from the remainder of the tournament.  Details must be reported to British Fencing head office for consideration under the Disciplinary Process, which may result in the imposition of additional penalties.  The additional FIE penalty of two months suspension from competition only applies automatically to FIE Events. BF reserves the right to suspend a fencer from club and competition activity whilst a disciplinary investigation takes place, particularly in cases where an incident resulted in harm to others.

If you have any questions please contact headoffice@britishfencing.com.


Disciplinary Sanctions

The following are Disciplinary, Grievance or Welfare cases which have resulted in sanctions being brought either through British Fencing or through the courts.

There are situations where names, charges and other information are redacted or summarised. Further information may be provided on application to those who can demonstrate a genuine need.

Cases resulting in sanctions will be listed here for

  • 12 months or
  • the duration of the sanction, or
  • where there is a resulting suspension from an activity relating to fencing the sanction will be listed for 6 months after the suspension is lifted.

whichever is the greatest.



Ref Date Summary Offence Name Outcome
201 08.07.2015 On application Mark Nelson-Griffiths Following the decision of a Sports Resolution Appeal Hearing, British Fencing is required to place an imposition of strictures by immediate preclusion from engaging in a variety of activities including, but not limited to, coaching and refereeing whereby contact with children or vulnerable adults is possible.  For a full description of the strictures please contact British Fencing Head Office.


Item 1.2.7 of the FIE statutes of “All bans, suspensions, expulsions, disqualifications or other penalties issued to a licensee of
the FIE by a member federation should be made known to the Central Office of the FIE which will inform the member federations of the FIE”.


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